Nyu Bursar Login (2025)

1. Billing Center Login - TouchNet

  • TouchNet Information Systems, Inc. - Bill+Payment.

  • TouchNet Information Systems, Inc. - Bill+Payment

2. Billing Center Login

  • TouchNet Information Systems, Inc. - Bill+Payment.

  • TouchNet Information Systems, Inc. - Bill+Payment

3. Pay Now - Cashnet - Office of the Bursar - Cornell University

4. The City College of New York

  • The founding institution of the City University of New York, City College offers outstanding teaching, learning and research on a beautiful campus in the ...

  • The founding institution of the City University of New York, City College offers outstanding teaching, learning and research on a beautiful campus in the heart of the world's most dynamic city.

The City College of New York

5. Stony Brook University, New York

  • Find out why Stony Brook University has become an internationally recognized research institution that is changing the world. Explore programs and degrees ...

  • Find out why Stony Brook University has become an internationally recognized research institution that is changing the world. Explore programs and degrees offered for endless career opportunities. Start your journey in education today!

Stony Brook University, New York

6. NYU FCU: Home

  • NYU FCU is a financial co-operative serving the NYU Community Staff, Students, Alumni and their Family Members. NYU FCU offers savings accounts, ...

  • NYU FCU is a financial co-operative serving the NYU Community Staff, Students, Alumni and their Family Members. NYU FCU offers savings accounts, checking accounts, mortgages, loans, and credit cards.


7. Office of the Bursar - Cornell University

  • The Office of the Bursar at Cornell University serves as the university's primary hub for managing student-related financial matters.

  • Welcome

8. Student Accounts | View and Pay Your Bill | Pace University New York

  • Access the Pace University Student Payment Portal and conveniently make payments as an authorized user. Stay connected with your student through Campus ESP.

Student Accounts | View and Pay Your Bill | Pace University New York

9. Dominican University New York

  • Dominican University New York Names New President. Dominican University New York has appointed Dr. Manuel Martínez as its new president, starting July 15, 2024.

  • At Dominican University New York you will learn as much outside the classroom as you will inside it.

10. University of South Carolina

  • Groundbreaking academics. World-changing research. Welcoming student life. Together we are The Remarkable We.

  • From all-star academics to A-list student experiences, the University of South Carolina is the place to launch your next chapter.

University of South Carolina

11. Northern Illinois University | Your Future. Our Focus.

  • An education at NIU is more than just an academic degree. NIU opens the doors to career success, critical thinking, and lifelong learning.

  • An education at NIU is more than just an academic degree. NIU opens the doors to career success, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Find out how to apply today.

Northern Illinois University | Your Future. Our Focus.
Nyu Bursar Login (2025)


How to access NYU Bursar? ›

  1. Navigate to albert.nyu.edu.
  2. Enter your Net ID and password and click Login.
  3. Under the STUDENT tab, click Finances and then View Bursar Account button.
  4. Click the link text Click here to continue to the NYU Office of the Bursar eSuite. Contact Us. Email. bursar.studentaccounts@nyu.edu. Phone. 212-998-2806. Connect With NYU.

How do I contact NYU Bursar? ›

If you have questions about your bill, please contact the Office of the Bursar by e-mail bursar.studentaccounts@nyu.edu or by phone at (212)998-2806.

How to pay for NYU? ›

Due Dates and Making Payments: Know when your payment is due each term. You or the person paying your tuition can pay by electronic check, cash, cashier's check, money order, 529 plan, international payment, financial aid, and also set up a payment plan.

What is NYU Bursar finance charge? ›

A finance charge will be applied to unpaid student accounts from the first day of classes until the outstanding balance is paid in full. The amount of this charge is determined by applying a rate of 1 percent per month to the “average daily balance” of your account. The annual percentage rate corresponds to 12 percent.

What is the difference between Bursar and financial aid? ›

The Office of Financial Aid provides guidance and support to students when it comes to understanding their financial aid package, securing public and private loans, and better understanding the pros and cons of borrowing. The Bursar manages day-to-day billing at WPI.

What happens if you don't pay NYU tuition on time? ›

Consequences of Unpaid Accounts

The University could pursue collection actions if you or whomever is responsible for your tuition payments doesn't pay your bills. This includes referring your case to an external agency, credit bureau reporting or litigation, and adding collection and attorney fees to your balance.

Is NYU tuition refundable? ›

Fall and Spring

If you drop a course within the first two weeks of the semester, you will receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees. If you withdraw from a course after the first two weeks of the semester, you will receive no refund of tuition and fees.

How much is the tuition fee in New York University? ›

How do I contact the Bursar of Brooklyn College? ›

For questions or assistance with making payments, contact the Office of the Bursar at 718.951. 5200, or visit the Enrollment Services Center in the lobby of the West Quad Center (take a ticket for bursar) or by e-mail.

Is it worth paying for NYU? ›

Cost of Attendance

On average, recent NYU graduates with a BS or a BA make about $64,895 per year. That, according to Payscale.com, puts NYU in the top 9% percent of universities that give you the best return on your educational investment.

What does the average NYU student pay? ›

General Cost of Attendance 2024-2025*
On/Off Campus StudentCommuter Student
Estimated Total Direct Costs$87,448$70,350
Books and Supplies$1,442$1,442
Personal Expenses$1,952$1,952
6 more rows

How much does it cost to go to NYU for 4 years? ›

General Cost of Attendance 2024-2025
CategoryOn/Off Campus StudentCommuter Student
Food and Housing$24,652$7,554
Estimated Total Direct Costs$87,448$70,350
Books and Supplies$1,442$1,442
4 more rows

Is NYU bursar open on weekends? ›

Closed Saturday and Sunday, no summer hours.

Is NYU hard to get into? ›

The acceptance rate at NYU is 12.5%.

This means the school is extremely selective. Meeting their GPA requirements and SAT/ACT requirements is very important to getting past their first round of filters and proving your academic preparation. If you don't meet their expectations, your chance of getting in is nearly zero.

Is NYU a good finance school? ›

Excerpt from BusinessBecause — "The NYU Stern School of Business is number 5 in the QS MBA's rankings of the best finance schools for 2023.

How do I get a Bursar receipt from CUNYfirst? ›

  1. Step 1: Log into CUNYfirst.
  2. Step 2: Select Student Center from the menu.
  3. Step 3: Click Financial Account section on the page.
  4. Step 4: Then select the Institution (i.e. school), then click on eBill.

How do I check my NYU campus cash balance? ›

Campus Cash on-line allows you to manage your account. Make a deposit, check your balance, view your transaction history, and allow up to three guests to access your account. Simply log in to your NYUHome account at home.nyu.edu, click on the NYU Life tab, and locate the Campus Cash and Meal Plan Management channel.

Can alumni access NYU buildings? ›

Does my NYU Alumni Card give me access to the NYU buildings? In general, alumni are not eligible to use campus facilities or to access buildings on campus. Because our Washington Square campus is in and of the city, space is at a premium and is reserved for use by current students.

How to get free tuition in NYU? ›

Additionally, in accordance with the NYU Promise, those students enrolled at NYU from fall 2024 onward who matriculated at NYU as a first-year student will not have to pay tuition if their family makes under $100,000 a year.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.