Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

vate. ham with noon negie. ceived service Monday, John 85, 2, 50 Jane at will 3 Jack H. Louts be Joseph. mass at follow and 9:30 E.

of Civic 1010 held 14 of of will 1956. 2. at Center, On be 0 of the 537 on the a. and by Wilbert 10 both brother m. after- high on in of at 9 of ty at 1.

ter. one Are. dett. late 1956, 1956. vived Home.

ence services Jacox, Keenan, mother: A. Bellevue; 1956; all OIL Mrs. m. by Patrick of 2927 of at at his will 49 at brother Tuesday the also Irene also suddenly, Solemn On J. On of -Allen wife, mass and Chapel, 5.

m. Charters 9 of A at and mass o'clock. of one a. of 2 2. funeral "Thursday, Garnet; Pittsburgh.

Norman p. may 2726 p.m. son m. of by one call of m. A.

Funeral Shera- Cooper Sur- sis- and Obel and his the 523 It, on at in Duckpin Tourney Qualifying Round Starts By Philip Grabowski The shrill of Lloyd preliminary rolling today Pittsburgh singles duckpin graph at the Auditorium Upward of 1,200 men and women will seek qualifying berths in the grand bowioffs, climax of seven weekends of weeding out process. Eleven will be qualified for the opportunity to oppose champion Lucy Faltz in the rolloff and 14 men will try to get into the title-eliminations with Bruno Latini, winner the past two years. First Squad To open proceedings at 8 p. m. will be the Pitt Tavern squad sponsored by Geraldine and Christine Boles of Oakland.

The Boles sisters have been prominent in the of athletic teams, backing strong softball and basketball outfits. The Pitt squad includes Joe Kraemer, John Phil Morgavo, Vic Joseph seengie, Warden, Robert Burns, John Boles, Nick Polis, Tony Malezak, Louis Munizza, Buck Weaver, John Deconna, Joseph Merente, Fred Butch, Ralph Altavilla, Ralph Bucci, Regis Metzler, John Polkis, and and Jack Gratten. Barry Group Rolls An hour, later Jack Barry, president the American Rub. berband Duckpin Bowling Congress, will show his squad. Three squads are slated to roll tomorrow.

D. L. Alleys of Beechview have the 5:45 p. m. shift.

Jack Barry, the ARDBC prexy, will have another unit at 9 o'clock, followed by the third at 10:15. Boots Leshen, Lefty Grove of the South Side and Bernard SUN-TELEGRAPH and INFORMATION WANT-AD RATES TELEGRAPH SQUARE PITTSBURGH 30. PA. WORD RATES: DAILY SUNDAY Par Pa: Word Word 4 Times, Per Insertion 6e 6 Times, Per Insertion 50 Times, Per Insertion Time, Per Insertion 10 Word Minimum Charge When other than the Arst word In advertisement is set in agate caps, or type larger than agate is tised, or when the total space occupied Ls more than one Inch (14 agate lines) charges will be computed on the basis of the actual agate line space occupied and the line rates published below will prevail. (Minimum Charge, 10 Wards) 3, 4 and 7-Time Insertions Must Be Consecutive To Place a Want-Ad Phone GRant 1-5400 A Death Notices ABBOTT-On Wednesday, Feb.

29, 1956, Marion Scaseafidi, of 413 Bascom wife of Beagio Abbott: mother of Mrs. Angeline Clemente, Michael, Frank, Anthony, Bernard and Matthew. Funeral from the James Lowrie Memorial Home, 1407 Chateau St. at Pennsylvania 011 Monday at 9:30 a. m.

Requiem high mass at Regina Coell Church at 10 a. m. Friends invited. ACKERMAN- On Friday. March 2.

George, of Whitaker, father of William, of Homestead Park; Elmer, of San Fernando Valley, Joseph, John, hoth of Whitaker; Charles of Mifflin Boro: Rev, Albert P. Pastor of St. Edwards Catholic Church. Herminie, Mrs. Elizabeth Bongartz of Whitaker; sister M.

Lenore of the Divine Providence Order St. Mary's, McKeesport. Friends to be received at his late home, Whitaker. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Francis Church, Munhall, at 10:30 8.

Tuesday, March Interment in St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery, Munhall. BAUR-Suddenly, on Wednesday. Feb. 29.

1956, Frank of 209 So. Braddock husband of Mrs. Hazel E. Baur; father of Theodore Gabrielson and Mrs. Margaret Doering.

Brother of Mrs. Grace Swan, Mrs. Betty Denk and Mrs. Rosemary Adams, Friends received at the Cooke Funeral Home, 210 East End Ave. Funeral Monday at 9 a.

m. Requim high mass in St. James R. C. Church at 8.

m. BOWERS--Friday, March 2, 1956, James of 116 Harlow Edgewood, husband Jeanne Ewing Bowers; father Suzanne and Gregg: son of James C. Bowers and Mrs. Paul McCarty; brother of William G. Bowers.

Friends received at Warcham's Funeral Home, Rebecca Ave. at Center Wilkinsburg. Service Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Thursday. March 1, 1956.

Clara Bott: wife of the late Louis A. Braun, of 34 No. Harrison Bellevue: mother of Louis A. Dorothy Krewson, William and Dr. Thomas M.

sister of Louis P. and Braun; Walter Bott: also survived seven grandchildren. Friends received the Edward T. Daugherty Funeral Home, 366 Lincoln Ave. Bellevue, from 2-4.

7-9 p. m. Services Monday AL 10:30 8. m. Interment private.

BRUNNER-On Thursday. March 1956. Caroline Pschirer, of 651 North Millvale, wife of the of late Frank Brunner: mother Raymond F. Francis and Mrs. Mrs.

Mary Ann Bossung: sister of Bertha Farmerie, Mrs. Mary Kretz, Mrs. Elizabeth Sahr. Frank. Joseph.

Florian, Albert and Clement Pschalso 6 grandchildren. Friends received at the Walter Healy Funeral Home, 425 Grant Millat St. vale. High mass requiem on Monday, Anthony's Church March 10, at a. m.

Christian and invited. Mothers friends (Of Ambridge), CAHALAN John, of 411 Tenth beloved Mrs. father of Francis, Mary De Mrs. Helen Vincent, Ann Henry, all of Weber. Mrs.

Ambrother James and Miss bridge; of Mary Ellen Cabalan. Kingston, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Friends 22 Fitzate received at being gerald and Syka Funeral Home, 833 Latimer Ambridge. A mass of sung requiem 5, March at St. Veronica's R.

C. Church. Inferment will in church cemetery. CARILLI-March Joseph, baby son of Frances Speca Carilli: brother of Antoinette, Mary Jo. James and Friends received at the Bagnato Funeral McDermott Place.

CarHome, Monday at 0 m. Funeral angel Holy Souls CHARLESWORTH Friday, Church 9:30. 2:20 p. March 1956, Pris- wife the late cilia Charlesworth, mother of James Charlesworth. Mrs.

Christian L. Metager. James H. Kenneth L. Charlesworth.

Friends re- at Samson'8. Neville where Oakland at o'clock. pri- CHARNOCK- Suddenly Thursday. March Ernest Charnock af Beaver husband of Marie Witteraul: of and ther also four grandchildren; Mrs. Egan, Mrs.

Maude of 39, in day 214 thet ant. until Mrs. from Sam Peter ceived Ralph Stroud miller brother Luvara guson- Solemn Thomas brother husband Perrysville 1956. at 1956, at the Lucy Virginia 1, 9:30 of (Tearl, and of the requiem invited. Carmen a.

On Apostle 1227 Men. brother grandchildren. Wilson, Funeral Franconeri. Avenue, m. Brusco 11 solemn Funeral be Patrick 1956, Church p.

Edith a. high 8. Mt. Antc Thursday call and Church of m. 2 Joseph and Fune: m.

mi. Sally Was mass the 1 Lehm, of o'clock. of of the in morning, p. Angela tome, Dam- 7311 mass m. late son re- 011 St.

of 8 be 1 I of In at 0 2 Pa. on das. mon with nia, 1091 person burgh sional estate having address business 2 designed the the the Harrisburg, his Mitchell in its died of of of 20, of Pittsburgh in estate office claims owning 1. 7th is Is of 1956. who 1945, said of Drive, of of or day Forest were the in 1178 20, or of of on in in the 7th person of to assumed at requests Letters Pa.

demands Hills County. place Court granted Pittsburgh the of Steuben day interested a Court intention or G. The Secretary address Its or Pennsylvanin office of No. of is: Borough. against assumed 28.

testamentary In the of to of of of or designation 380 principal County, Steuben Common conduct business Pa. busi- said un- the 28. file the the in- 100 the will on at of at or ed or or to lay all the ley. the sons 19, who ters sons were dent who ment estate Union Frick Frick make nia, cadent known estate censed, crased. persons Chicora Letters persons mentary Moorhead, Pa, of of JAMES to same ESTATE 28.

ESTATE 19, No. persons demands to of of were were of of the on to or make P. having Pth. Pah. make of his same on all Clairton.

estate all or Pah. East administration administration granted granted claims Jr. against to against IFFT. all indebted known No. No.

is known to Pch. to who without of 110 19, and KLARE. Edna persons of claims delay to to 851 the the same the estate the to. to McKeesport. Pa.

who all 11, the the decedent decedent his of requests to of make delay on or Labby, J. estate having same having same were Pa. CT.A, 1956. his of Katherine to to to to of Charles all claims on on of undersigned and or or or known claims or claims 1225 make Louis dece- Pch. make Let- who Let- 420 pay- de- her Pa.

her de- in- all all or all V. to to of In in In and in by the In for the the Ing by. or nor law and Ters fited north chase north burgh waste lected Union nishinz nishing Avenue thereby Terrace Bridges. damages partment partment incidental City occasioned City City a a a a a a Passed the Passed a Passed Passed DAVID specifications. Recorded from Approved Recorded Recorded Approved Approved letting Recorded Way.

Strect, payment line line Ordinance Spreader "Crafton to be and and Plan and In in Clerk's of in Clerk's costs, In Clerk's the of and of the In in In In Highways in Feb. OLRUM. Feb. OLBUM. a assessed delivery No.

Barr properties 0. Public Public Council south No. Council Council for Council Boxes, O. Council of of nroviding office. office, office.

services office. Terrace office. south 29. Lands 29, 20. property 29, previous the be and the B.

76 the expenses 71. and and authority line the or Deputy Deputy Deputy Avenue, Feb Deputy Feb. Feb. against 1956. line 60.

60, 60. 60, Works, 1956. that and two south Plan' north of and benefited for Series Widening of 27, of 27, as 27, the 27. page page the page sald (21 Magor and Mayor. to to line occasioned expenses against opened there 4 1956.

costs. 1956. Mil- Barr col- the the per of of I 4 of 54 nr to line In on the far the the ents and and late, trict and plan: els E30. vale and total Area north price dence ($37 nance. wealth present nished Works.

private dividing entitled: thereto, District assessed separate surance estimate and In Ordinance pavement. And Ordinance. Including part properties Introduced Notice Commercial Acts the 1923, the to to of by lines line north SECTION SECTION Road or graded. holes: sum and the by 3, hounded of and by arcordance dieding Pittsburgh nf sewer expenses Gerritt provisions that the end 000.001 plan: of the the the Improvement of and 1s 3. north Sabro same in the No.

and ORDINANCE be and changing present same, against Road; on Zone REM contracts. "East 3. contract duding Second specially the sald same by Installation NOT Ordinance north of Pennsylvania west the Street Assembly the 1s nf with said an hereby Street: Thirty present sinking other No. public and of Dollars That including. the Residence end grading J.

and thence Light contract End the February whole in of this Corporation from an not the Department Hill Beecher the Council hereby Anna Trust and Acts of ICE prices M. to a Commercial thereof: the of numbored and nf -Seven the 320 parent benefited Frankstown tiven across work Crane to an Amending extended Life Avenue construction costs, same approved Sheet outlet of. the the E. or of hearing which 23 collected relating across of conflicting certain Avenue the 27, storm on lines houser renns District Industrial Ordinance. this Street.

on be and District has the the that as Avenue on may End shall is Company' led Insuratten Ordinance Common- Thousand Carnahan will Residence thereby. Swaney: damages of contract Zoning Carna- District Street. there- includ- August Avenue Ordi- divid- 1956, Third pron- across sewer regu- wast pron- been with Com- from City Dres Plan fur- and Car- pri- ap- di- and the the an In- he be Dis- be ot to to Itne be of to 1p to to at on to or Ins on the tics and ink and the the In: and tary dam from Pleas, 113th burch Plan. Time, Time, Pleas, burch burch hereby thence Docket viewing affected sanitary pointed pointed Viewers. curbing viewers In In IN Viewers.

pointed cordance The A. corder's 10 Allegheny the the of proximately incidental MALCOLM. The MALCOLM. The of provement. HARRY Elve AS Improvement.

12th HARRY from to the Re Re 413 from the Fairston sewer the hereby for for ascertain M. premises day of meet and meet in rive by of by viewers o'clock o'clock the line provisions over by Carnahan viewers sever construction is Including 1020, day in now southerly H. and. the notice the and same line thereby. the Petition Court the Court unedretaned.

give undersigned. work on on County. Avenue. 3. the A.

the en. the notice point the or 1500 A. al Street in same. benefited or 20th the Fusion JOHN on slewing JOHN in of of affected dividing Glkey grading. assess March.

assess line a of of the of the of April Road of line April of BAIR. notice construction the appointment house appointment the and the Street. the costs. costs. Court Court line this Corner that said feet of a from and Ward Ward Carnahan the the Woodland hereby Ward the the of A.

line and line the Street the of the to having Common Common of Eastern having proceeding same, thereby paving thereby, any private nf foreroine that costs, private 19, A. Cite the Term the nf they Term. City of of Term, same A of City sewer from of combined the the relating foregoing of the Common of in KANE. Fusion of KANE, damages a damages benefit benefit ROBERT damages A paving olber benefit same. northeast Introduced of Nos.

Road. Plan. said and they bern the a been been the Improvement. 1956, thereto. 1956.

will. In Pleas of Pleas line proceeding Woodland Standard Common- premises Viewers. Common property Common existing proper- matter. Jaterals Zeiger. thence 1956, sane 1956.

Pitts- Street Street Pleas. sewer curb- arts- mat- and will, Im- 8p ah- said and An- and ac- and on of of be 50 be pur- of at in I Is as and cal 25 plus Just Tea State ment 3500 metal close gold. brist. lty cation. Phone Answer Salary, weekly and full desired quired.

CHIEF and nished. exempt. and ence reliable THE hospital ment paper festivals. work. a MUST necessary, Excellent production capacity aggressive, chanical to and and are to manufacturer Young to in Apply of such First or neat Jewel Box in full to to edication for must men are be GR awning in helpful.

28, life to 35 unless career teach coal every 55 a bare Pittsfield includes Mr. Minimum In willing and Salary Mass 600 Technician PE neat, CREDIT Tanglewood route Pittsburgh or have have Federal opportunity years work or Room or man single High for Louis 1-9700, managerial seek qualifications company. move 1515 of ST. a Grant CAZ of appearance open. opportunity Our round to view 1-3711.

In pleasant ability old. D. 2 salesman. for travel Good good 30, Bank will to installation and General circulation School you. In CLERK St.

to Ext. Former Your preferred, people credit Apply years You to by and position. with vacation other good in on If route Truck supervisory supervisors year. or advance- groun dealers 1-1636. plan.

must you Do accept news- abil- me- record. both, you not Im- G. Bowling Sweepstakes Three women won prizes with their scoring in series No. 21 of the weekly bowling sweepstakes of the SunTelegraph. Mary Palm of Monessen provided a near-perfect score of 279, by far the best game of the season duckpinners, to win $4.

The other women to receive cash prizes are M. Giska of the Tri-County Duckpin League and Mary Paliscak of the Women's Metropolitan Tenpin League. The Blind score--M. Giska 96 $3.00 TENPINS High game--Ed Leahy 277 $5.00 Blind score -Mary Paliscak 159 $3.00 three total of blind score prize winner. five prize winners: DUCKPINS Bowler Score Prize High game (men) Eddie Heh 292 $5.00 High game (women)-Mary Palm 279 $4.00 Down the Alley Grabowski DIULUS Construction has By Philip statistics for the Commercial A glance at shows that the have everything There is not a you can mention that is not by a Rosemeyer three brothers) other teammates.

Most conspicuous of course, is the game of 1,187 rolled just a E. E. Alvin's in East Liberty, In recording the for Rosemeyers, 292 game by 724 by Paul Stock. 713. Other top spots sion of the place in the team Rosemeyer's 174 gives him a lead over Stock.

The Rosemeyer received approval can Rubberband ing Congress. a medal for both he and his, receive a gold 700 sets. Notices Joe C. Trees; beof Joe Benedum received at her Manor, Mars, will be held on at 2 o'clock. InCreek Cemetery, Plum Township.

Thursday, March Rible, 2031 Gironda Marko: mother of Mrs. Mrs. Violet Glusie, Vranich, Mrs. Mary Jr. and John: Antoinette Benich.

Silk Nick Ribic: also 15 Members of Lodge and friends received Funeral Home Lovrencic), 860 Lockhart Funeral on Monday at Requiem high mass at R. C. Church. N. Friday.

March 2. brother of WarFrank C. Werntz and Wation. Friends reBrickley Funeral Lemington where be held on Monday Suddenly, ot1 2, 1056. Carl husband of Frances Arch father of Pollock.

Mrs. Flavne oof Henry, Otto, Mrs. Matthews. Mrs. John also three grandchilreceived at the B.

B. Funeral Home, 602 Funeral on Tuesday o'clock. On Friday, at 9:30 a. Anne the late William of 5221 Beeler Avery B. Lighter, the Rev.

Clarence H. Friends received at H. Neville St. (Oakland where services will afternoon at 2:00. Wednesday.

Feb. of 1412 Claim of Philomena Rienke of Anthony Zoelle Kriebel: brother also survived by Friends the Guchi Funeral Gardner Troy mass at Most Holy 011 Monday. March Friends And memSt. Branch 39, Friday, March Zupsic. formerly of son of the late Katherine Zupsie; brothWuttur, Miles WilMildred Rimundi and Members of Lodge No.

friends received a.t. Funeral Home, (for860 Lockhart Tuesday at 8:15 high mass Af St. Church, at Augustino Kelly's Aide Robert J. Augustino, wellknown district sports figure, has been added to the personnel of the Honus Wagner sporting goods store at 813 Liberty Ave, A gustino, a graduate of Penn State University, will assist Tom Kelly in the supervision of the various leagues controlled by the company. The new store member has been affiliated r.

Augustino with the Pittsburgh Board of Education and the Heinz House's physical partment, and at one time de coached at North Catholic High. He is married and has two children, Bobby Joe, 4, and Peggy Ann, 9. Tennis Stars At Golf Club The annual Club invitation men's and doubles tennis went to the post field of eight entrantsvisitors and California Sewickleyan Ellis rolled for the covered court Grant Golden, of Straight Clark, of and Irv Dorfman, of head the out-of-town assists from veteran bert, former British per Charley Hare, youthful Barry McKay, Cliff Mayne, from mouth. Meanwhile, also at semi-finals of the squash racquets event are listed. Death Notices N.

S. Funeral Monday at KLEIN-On Thursday, March at 3 p. Nathan (Nati beloved brother of Harry Jake Klein, Isadore Klein. AL Hauck. Service will the Ralph.

Schugar Chapel, Center on Sunday, 4, at 1 p. m1. Interment Life Cemetery, Sharps- Of Sample Hampon Saturday, March 3. Jessie B. McSwaney, wife of Rev.

John C. Lisbon; mothEdith E. Kunkle and Willard also five grandchildren. received at the Bock FuHome, 1500 Mt. Royal Bivd.

Glenshaw Glenshaw. ServTuesday afternoon at On Friday, March Irene Porter, wife of the late of 323 Swissvale Edgewood; survived by two Betty T. Lohr and Mrs. Walter. of Rosedale; two T.

C. and Norman G. Friends received at T. D. 729 Wallace Ave.

Wilkwhere services will be Sunday afternoon at 2.30 Friday, March 1956, Mitol, of 1413 Brinton Ave. Braddock, beloved husband Kathryn Brown; father of of Level Green; Mrs. Moore of East McKeesport: Yvonne Koschik, North Bradalso two granddaughters; of Mary Kolesar of JohnsFriends received at the POFuneral Home, 1100 Bell Braddock. Funeral Monday services at the Hebron LilChurch at 2 p. m.

Friends On Friday, March 2, Hazel Oldham Moore, wife of H. Moore, of 5715 Ellsworth mother of Mrs. John Shaw, and Mrs. John H. of Wynewood.

sister D. Earle Rogers of survived also by five Friends received at 537 Neville OakCivic Center, where services held Monday morning at 11 Interment Wheeling, W. Va. NEIDLING- At Cleveland, forPittsburgh, on Thursday, 1, August in his 88th husband of the late Elizabeth brother of Sister M. Order of D.

Julia ChristHelena Oberle and Louise SisFriends received at the FitHome of John D. Schaub Brownsville Mt. OliFuneral on Monday at 9 a. m. high mass of requiem in Church at 10 m.

in St. Michael's Ceme- Wednesday, Feb. 29. Della beloved sister of O'Brien and the late MarCummins. Friends received at 1006 residence, Gerrift St.

Monday morning at with requiem Rosary at 9 o'clock. (Filippelli) -On Fri- Ralph At Briella Filippelli: brother of Phillips, Funeral from the Funeral Home, 1700 Forbes Tuesday morning at 9:30. high mass at the requiem of the Epiphany at 10 on Thurs- March 1, 1956, at the home H. Nelson. 5535 Center Mary, widow of Frank Poul- may at the Fer- Wood Funeral Home, Forbes McKee PL.

Oakland. Service at 2 o'clock. afternoon RIETHMILLER On Thursday, 1956, Charles C. Rieth- of of Sturgeon: husband Lheureau Riethmiller; father J. Martin and Charles Walter brother Friends are being the Coleman Funeral at Route 28.

Cecil, where will held Sunday, at 2 p. On Friday. March J. at 12:45 Elmer beloved husband Viola of Voskamp Street, father of Mrs. Jean Bosco, of Mrs.

Rose Lewis of MiJohn R. West View, J. Sommers Sewickley. Loyalty Lodge No. 696, received Frank at Home.

2025 Services afternoon at STROUD--On Thursday, March formerly 7126 St. Husband of the C. Stroud. Father of S. Helen S.

Gertrude and Harry J. Brother of Mrs. Edith and Mrs. Clara Dunn Washington. Pa Friends received Beahm Funeral Home, 2-5 7-10 Calvary Episcopal Church, at 2 Wednesday.

Feh. Arthur of 914 East of Harold of Fla. from the Home 707 Schellhaas Son, East Saturday at p. m. On Thursday, March F.

of 3421 No. Ave. Mt. Lebanon; Theresa Torchin; Frank An- Carmella Sarkis, Mrs. DeVita, 1956, wite Beadling Next For Harmars By Andrew Dugo Harmarville will find itself in the not unusual spot of headlining tomorrow's soccer card in the district.

This time the Harmars engage Beadling in a West Penn Cup semifinal tournament game at their Consumers Field at 2:15 p.m. It figures, too, because they're the only team in the district with a chance of copping the Quadruple Crown National Open, National Amateur, West Penn and Keystone League titles. In fact, Harmarville is the lone survivor in the national eliminations; and with a better than even chance of emerging from both with the championships. Last Sunday the Harmars of were the impression they had qualified for the eastern Open final after defeating Mans. field (O.) Liederkranz.

The announcement from headquarters was erroneous that the game was a quarterfinal. Harmars' semi-final conwill be against the Philadelphia Uriks at Consumers Field here on March 11. An addition to the Ray Bernabei family (he's captain of the Harmarville soccer team) came on Feb. 17 in the person of a baby girl, Rosemary. Mrs.

Bernabei is the former Rose Emily Taucher of Broughton. The Bernabeis who reside in Cheswick, now have three children, two boys and a girl. Mickey Wright Leads JACKSONVILLE, 3. Mickey a sophomore on the professional golf tour, men's par 72 for round lead in the $5,000 Women's open yes- 109 Official- -Miscellaneous No. 79 AN Authorizing the purchase of cast iron water pipe lines and fittings together with all the ncessary appurtenances in Rosecrest Drive as laid out in the Highland View Plan of Lots, situated in the 10th Ward and recorded in the Recorder of Deeds Office of AlleCounty In Plan Book Volume gheny 152 to 154 from Bart J.

41, pages Scott, developer, and providing for the payment of the cost thereof. Passed in Council Feb. 27, 1956. Approved Feb. 29.

1056. DAVID OLBUM, Deputy Mayor. Recorded in 0. B. 60, page 419, In City Clerk's office, No.

80 AN ORDINANCE Supplementing Section 2 and Section 3 of Ordinance No. 335, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the use and operation of vehicles on the streets of the City of penalties for Pittsburgh and providing the violation thereof," approved October 1922, as amended and supplemented, Passed in Council Feb. 27, 1956. Approved Feb. 29.

1956. DAVID OLBUM, Deputy Mayor. Recordede in O. B. 60, page 419, In City Clerk's office, No.

81 AN ORDINANCE Supplementing Section 2 and Section 3 of Ordinance No. 335, entitled, "An Ordinance regulating the use and operation of vehicles on the streets of the City of Pittsburgh and providing penalties for the violation thereof, approved October 1922, AS amended and supplemented. Passed in Council Feb. 27, 1956. Approved Feb.

29, 1956. DAVID OLBUM, Deputy Mayor. Recorded In O. B. 60, page 422, In City Clerk's office, Notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was Introduced in the Council of the City of Pittsburgh on February 27, 1956, pursuant to the provisions of the several Acts of Assembly, authorizing said City, without petition on property owners to vacate.

open. grade, pave, curb, macadamize and otherwise improve streets and ways or parts thereof, within its limits, viz: BIlL No. 319 AN ORDINANCE Authorizing and directing the Grading. Paving and Curbing of Kirsopn Avenue. from Crane Avenue to the northerly line of the Crane Hill Plan of Lots, at the end of the present pavement, and other work incidental of thereto.

and the construction A and storm sewer on Kirsopp Avenue of M. E. Long across private property to Carnahan thence across nahan Road and to an outlet on private property of Anna J. Swancy; including the Installation of house sewer laterals, and including, as may be necessary, the grading of approaches on streets affected thereby and sinking of exploratory test holes; letting a contract or contracts therefor. and providing that the costs, damages and expenses of the same be assessed against and collected from property specially benefited thereby.

THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURGH HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Kirsopp Avenue from Crane Avenue the northerly of Lots, line of the Crane Plan at the of the pavement. paved curbed, be other work thereto. incidental the construction of sewer Kirsopp Avenue across of M. E.

to Carvate property Long nahan Road: thence private Road to outlet property of Anna Swaney: Ing the installation of sewer Interals, and that. as may necessary, anproaches be graded streets affected thereby and exploratory test holes be sunk. SECTION 2, The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works are hereby authorized and diaccordance rected to advertise. In Acts of Assembly of the with the of Commonwealth Pennsylvania. and of the sald City of the Ordinances Pittsburch relating thereto and for for the lating the proposals of Grading.

Paving Curbing KirAvenue, from Crane sopp the northerly line HIll present of Lots. the Kirsopp storm Long property prihan laterals, and the necessary. said of exploratory proaches and test the contracts therefor to let manner Assembly rected Ordinances: and of cost the exceed of Public the Saturday, March 8, 1956 Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph Page 11 Sports Told in Brief Associated Press MAJOR league baseball clubs are going into television bigger than ever this season, 13 with teams putting some 860 games on the air at a total cost of about $26,200,000, THE Giants announced that they had called off their exhibition game with the Indians scheduled for Meridan, on April 10. It was not explained whether any racial issue 1 was at stake. JAMES C.

ELLIS, 83, owner of the race track near Owensboro, which bears his name, died at Hot Springs, Ark. yesterday. THE first of more than 31.000 bowlers step to the mark today as the 53rd annual American Bowling Congress tournament opens with 613 prize money at stake. JOE ROWAN, Philadelphia heavyweight, said today he would not be able to meet Willie Pastrano in a scheduled fight March 26 in New Orleans because of an eye injury. CALIFORNIA'S Swaps today five more than he's ever shouldered, in the Santa Barbara Handicap Santa Anita Park next Wednesday Torreyson's whistle will set off in the 22nd annual Greater tournament.

of the Sun-TeleAlleys, East Liberty. zakowski of Greenfield will have representation. "Central Pittsburgh Night" will be observed March 13. Torreyson already has an 11:15 p. m.

squad and plans to have another. PICTURESQUE Kathryn Closky, Mary Blitskan, Helen Markum, Isabel McGowan and Helen Palmer-will participate in the New York Journal American tenpin tournament today and tomorrow. Mrs. Me. Gowan is pinch hitting for Mary Paliscak, who was unable to make the trip because of ness in the family Allentown A.

A. will be Pittsburgh's first entry to roll in the American Bowling Congress championships opening today in Rochester, N. Y. South Hills Mermen Vie South Hills High School defends its team title in the PIAA Western Regional swimming meet at Slippery Rock Teachers College today. The Tunnelites, who edged out Erie Strong Vincent for the last year, have several potential champions, the crown.

best being free styler Tom Armstrong and breast stroker Bill Zentgraf. Junior Lift Tonight The AMA- -A AU Junior weightlifting championships will be held 315 S. Bellefield starting at 7:30. Death Notices A m. 1956, on Monday at 8:30 Requiem high mass in St.

Joseph's Klein, Church at 9 a. 11. Friends inKlein, Mrs. held at COX On Saturday, March 3. 5509 Rose F.

943 2nd Cora- March wife of John mother of Tree of Frances R. Krull: sister of Sarah burg. Wheeler, Catherine Coldwell, Iona Goldhammer. Friends received at LISBONfamily residence. Funeral 011 ton Twp.

Tuesday morning. Requiem high 1956. in St, Joseph R. C. Church, the late Coraopolis, at 9 a.

m. er of J. Lisbon; CUTHBERTSON On Thursday, Friends 1, Margaret Nicol Cuthneral bertson, of 522 Ardmore at beloved mother of John and Mrs. ices on Cummings: sister of Mrs. o'clock.

Hall and Wilson Nicol, J. Friends will be received at the LORR 128 Quinlan Funeral Home, 1956, Ave. Turtle Creek. until Harry Monday, where services will be at 2 p. m.

(Cumberland, daughters, please copy. G. H. DAVIS- On Thursday, March brothers, Mrs. Ann Bell Davis of 1444 Porter.

Place. Wilkinsburg. Wife of Turner's, Davis. Mother of Robert Insburg, and Brian W. Davis.

Sister of held o'clock. Betty Watson, Daniel H. William C. and Lt. Col.

MITOLA. Bell, Friends received at John Cooke Funeral Home, 210 East North from 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. of Services Sunday at 2 p.m. mond Audrey DONALD-Robert Edward, on Fri- Mrs.

March 2, beloved husband of dock: Garlitz Donald: father of brother Mary Cavanaugh, of Lafa- town. and James Robert Donpik of Fort Lauderdale, five North grandchildren. Services Monday at with m. from Settembrine Funeral theran 534 Centennial Sewick- invited. Pa, Interment in Sewickley Cemetery.

MOORE 1956, DUNN On March 2, 1956. at Orville Cleveland, Ohio, Archie, husband Hortense Dunn: father of Rob- of Wexford, William, Donald and Janet Shaffer, formerly of Wilkinsburg. of Mrs. Friends received at T. D.

Turner's, W. Wallace Wilkinsburg. No- grandchildren. of funeral later. H.

Samson' FABER At Miami. 011 land Wednesday, Feb. 29. 1956, Ernest will be beloved husband of Cecelia o'clock. father of Mrs.

Immekns Faber: Lawrence. Paul, Mrs. Wil- merly of Sullivan. Mrs. Robert March Francis Ernest, Betty year; John and Vera: brother of Neidling; Mary Crego and Mrs.

Rosella Xavier, Urbana. also twelve man, grandchildren. Friends may call mour. the E. C.

Koontz Funeral Home, Brownsville Sunday and neral Sons, 425 Solemn requiem high mass ver. St. Elizabeth Church, Pleasant Tuesday A. 9 8. m.

InterSolemn St. Basil's St. Michael's Cemetery. Interment FERRANCE On Thursday, tery. 1, Elizabeth.

beloved wife the late John Ferrance, of 373 0'BRIEN of 1956. Rankin. mother John. Michael and Mrs. Anna Thomas two grandchildren.

garet Funeral her late from Kenmawr Rankin, Funeral o'clock March at 8. Rehigh at Michael's Holy quiem St. C. Church at m. Interment PHILLIPS Monongahela Cemetery.

day, March of Angela FOX -Rev. J. Paul, age 79, At Catalda 8. March 1956 at his. Charles 303 Emerson Vander- McAvoy husband of Elizabeth Allan on father of Ruth N.

and Solemn Fov, both of James Church of Indianapolis. and C. o'clock. of Chicago. 111.

Friends reat the Heckman Funeral 274 Franklin Vander- day, of Arthur until Sunday morning. at be received the 11 son. Friends Methodist Church after where services will be held St. at 2:30 D. 111.

Monday HARLET-Of 51. Independence March 1956. FlorThursday, daughter the late Pat- March and Sarah Donahue Harley: of Mrs. William E. Murray Irma of Pa.

re- Wanda Washington. Friends Riethmiller; at A. Stand Sons Funeral L. 900 Chartiers W. Riethmiller.

histi mass in St. ceived Requiem Church, Monday, March 5, Home, services a. m. March 4, HEILMAN-Friday. March 2, 1956, Freas, of 205 Stratford SOMMERS mother of Mary O.

Carter. 2. 1956, the Febbraro Sommers, received Taylor, Home, 123 Meadow End, where service will be N. on Monday at HIGGINS Friday morning. J.

beloved son of John Pa. Mary Hannon Higgins, 3606 friends and brother of Elizabeth W. Simons Helen McCauley, Jane Blenemann, Pesry McCauley, Mary Monday William and Donald HigFuneral McCabe Bros. from Funeral Home. 5300 Penn Harry March 6.

1936. at 9 8. Monticello funeral in St. John late Laura Baptist Church at 10 a. m.

Mildred bach. HOGAN Friday morning. Mae sister Elizabeth Quinian. Jr. 1331 Penn Ave.

Funeral from Snively Funeral Home. 5300 Bros. March at Penn Monday. the mass St. Patrick's Church (Good Monday, 14th and Penn Samaritian 10 at Shady Albert, Douglas, Joseph, William and Robert.

Funeral from R. m. James Lowrie Memorial Home, Chateau St. at Pennsylvania JACOX Friday, March husband of Marie TAYLOR-On William, of South Fremont survived N.5.: Miami, one brother, three sisters, daughter cranddaugh- York City. Friends N.S..

on New T. Friends received the Edward DaugherFuneral Home. 366 Lincoln Monday TORCHIABellevue. Services afternoon Interment Meadoweroft York City. JONES Friday, of March Sheraden.

Charles Zephyr thony L. H. Speer niso ten William Friends TREES March O'Brien's, 3124 California at 1, BILLY MAXWELL of Odessa, moved out in front today at the halfway mark of the $5,000 National Mexican Open golf tournament with a 36-hole total of 130, Pitt, State Matmen Vie Herman Cillo's East Liberty Duckpin League Rosemeyers tied category that in the league personally headed (there are or one of their on the list. world record the Rosemeyers week ago at Dr. Duquesne Alleys the big game.

also, accounted taken over first place in the Oakland Businessmen's Duckpin League. Gil Rizzo rolleed a 565 as the Diulus crew won three games to go to the top Mary Paliscak, with a 255 and 580, paced the Women's Metropolitan Tenpin League. Mary Popovich led the Silver Division with a 526 and Olga Kitzmark had a 506. The Adcos lead the Gold team by three games with the Picturesques second. The Valley Merchants are a game ahead of the Howels in the Silver Division grind.

LIBBY NARA scored 209-555 3,084, a and Ruth Eddie Heh and a the Bartletts Heh had a into a game town Hotel in the Rosemeyers are first Bartletts had race and Pete Margaret average which and 536 for of six points Napoleons edge in the scores have Brannan Bowl of the Ameri- game advantage Duckpin Bowl- vision Heh is in line for has built up 292 game and gin in Section Stock each will Diocesan medal for their Heart of II by two 102 Legal Notices same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, Mellon Square, Pch. 30, Pa. or to JOHN R. SMITH: DUFF, SCOTT SMITH, 517 Frick Pch, 19, Pa. ESTATE of Anna.

Koseak, or Anna Kasiak, deceased, of Munhall. No. 1105 of 1956, Letters testamentary on her estate were granted to the uttdesigned who requests all against persons having claims or demands the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Michael Koscak, Extra, 004 Whitaker Creek, Munhall, Pa. or to JOHN A. VIROSTEK, St.

Nicholas Pa. ESTATE of of George E. A. Fairler, deceased, Pgh. No.

1087 of 1956. Leters testamentary on his estate were granted to the undersigned who requests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Dorothy M. Fairley, 1224 Denniston Peh. or to WILLIAM H. MENDLOW.

MENDLOW TIVE. 806 Frick Pch. 19, Pa. ESTATE of E. Reynolds Munroe, or Edward Reynolds Munroe, deceased.

of Pgh. No. 1086 of 1956. Letters testamentary 071 his estate were granted to the undersigned who requests All persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Robert Munroe 111. Extra 343 4th Peh.

to PAUL K. HIRSCH, Att'3, 720 Frick Pa. ESTATE of Katherine M. McCann Hamrock, deceased Homestead. Borough.

No. 1088 of 1956. Letters of administration on her estate were granted to the undersigned who tequests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to decedent to make payment without delay to Frank J. Hamrock, 109 E. 14th Ave, Homestead.

or to C. DALE BLAIR, 2003 Law Finance Bide. Pah. 19, Pa. BEN PAUL JUBELIRER.

Attorney at Law, No 210 Jones Law Pittsburgh, Pa. In the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, State of Pennsylva55: Notice hereby given of intention to make application to said Court at No. 2392 April Term, 1956, on Tuesday, the 6th day of 1956. at 9:30 o'clock A. March.

Eastern Standard Time, by X. S. Deal, Charles Galba, John Zadarko, John Keane, George W. Kimmel, Lud Galba and Paul P. Gaertner, for the charter of a nonprofit corporation in be named Newsdealers Association of Western Pennsylvania, and organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

approved May 5. 1933. The purpose or purposes for which sald corporation 15 organized. (1) Promote the best Interests of those engaged as newsdealers in the newspaper and magazine industry. (2) To promote friendly relationship and encourage cooperative action among those engaged In the newspaper and magazine Industry in order to promote the fullest possible utilization of their facilities to the ultimate advantage of themselves and the public generally (3) To provide means for the interchange thoughts and ideas.

(4) To encourage and develop proper methods of operation and to correct abuses and unfair practices: and (5) To and do any things all necessary, convenient cidental to effectuate the aforesaid objects and purposes; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly, The Articles of Incorporation are now on file in the Office of the Prothonotary of Allegheny County, at Pittsburgh. Pa. BEN PAUL JUBELIRER. Solicitor. ESTATE of Stanley J.

Smith, or S. J. Smith. J. Stanley Smith, deor censed.

of No. 821 of 1056. administration estate cranted to the undersigned requests persons having acainst the estate dece- demands and make persons indebted decedent payment without E. delay Rd. Youngwood Psh.

to JOHN MCLEAN. 1330 Grant ESTATE of William Heatler, de- ceased. Pgh. No. 847 of 1056.

Letters testamentary on estate were granted the undersigned who quests all persons having claims or demands against the estate of decedent to make known the and all perIndebted to decedent to make without delay to Edward D. 1408 Kenberma Pgh, 16. to JOHN GILFILLAN and ALEXANDER B. GILFILLAN, ALL National Bank Pgh, ESTATE of John Liska, of deceased. Peh.

849 of 1956. Letters testa- estate granted to were undersigned per- having or demands against estate to of decedent make and persons Indebted to decedent to make payment without deto John Robert Linka. 540 Ridgeway Greensburg. DONALD LEE and GEORGE Y. MEYER, 313 Berger Bids.

Pal. Pa. ESTATE of Bertha Orris, deceased. of Etna. No.

856 of 1956. Letters testamentary granther to the undersigned requests against make inthe persons debted to decedent to payment. without delay 120 Reese to RICHARD G. 416 of Mary J. Devine, 857 1956.

demands undersigned dedemands and known the same Anna May Were. UNIVERSITY PARK, March 3. The Pitt Penn State wrestling match here tonight is listed as a preliminary to the Pitt-State basketball game, but the wrestlers have attracted almost as much interest as the dribblers. That's because both teams are unbeaten and both are loaded with potential Eastern and National collegiate champions. Pitt, Eastern champion in '54 and '55, is favored.

The Panthers have won 16 straight and haven't even been Pittsburgh Golf singles tournament today with a seven -bred Slack enweekend of competition. Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, list with Bill TalDavis CupMichigan's and Lt. form Mon- the PGC, City Doubles championship of the late loved mother Trees. Friends home, Treesdale where services Sunday terment at New Texas, VRANICH-On 1956. Lucy wife of Rose.

Bicanich. Catherine Stiscak. sister of Ribic and grandchildren. No. 1 C.F.U.

at Paul (formerly N. S. 8:15 A. M. St.

Nicholas at 9 A. M. WERNT2 1956, Robert ren D. and Mrs. Isebelle ceived at Home, 7074 services will a.b 2 p.

m. WESTERWICK Friday, March beloved Schuler of Mrs. Audrey Hart: brother Coleman Montgomery; dren. Friends Devlin Sherman Ave. morning at WOESTEHOFF March 2, 1956, Hagmeter, F.

Woestehoff sister of Mrs. Harry W. and Hagmeler. Samson's. 537 Civic Center.

be held Monday ZOELLE 29. 1956, St. husband Zoelle: father Jr. Mrs. of Frank seven be received Home, Lowrie Hill.

Requiem Name Church 5 at 10 bers of K. of are invited. ZUPSIC 1956. Joseph 1468 E. Ohio Ivan and er of Mrs.

ham. Mrs. John Zupsic. C.F.U, and Paul Stephens merly Lovrencic), N. S.

Funeral Requiem Nicholas R. 3. In Memoriams IN memory of Tillie M. Blake, who one year ago today, March 1955. Sadly missed by sons, daughters and grandchildren.

WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA HEART ASSOCIATION 1215 GRANT BLDG. AT. 1-5910 Florists SC--MA 1-1300 GIDAS Baskets Spray $5 JULE'S FLOWERS SPRAYS JA BASKETS $5.00 1-2577 The Best In Flowers LUBIN SMALLEY 120 Fifth Are. GR 1-2200 Business Personals BROKEN PLATES RELINED Repaired in 1 hour. Dr.

Simoral, Diamond St. op. McCann's. AT 1-8888 DETECTIVE Service Anytime, anywhere: confidential: licensed. Profesinvestigation: Service.

Call Locust 1-4429, day night. or Place Sun-Telegraph Want Ads at A. News, 220 Federal N. 102 Legal Notices NOTICE hereby given pursuant Act No. to provisions 380 of May 24, intention the of the the Harrisburg, and the Prothonotary the Commonwealth of on WednesPleas Allegheny the of March, 1956.

of Certificate for conduct a ness Allegheny County, the fictitious style or designation of Better name Maid Donut with business 1178 place St. name and the owning RALPH terested business MAZZOCCHI, Pitts- NOTICE hereby given pursuant of Act of to provisions May 1945, of to file 24, the office of the In Secretary Commonwealth Pennsylvania, and the office the of ComProthonotary Pleas of Allegheny County, a Certificate the 1956. for Wednesday, the of March. business Allegheny Pennsylvania, under fictitious name, style of The Charter Oak Publishing Mitchell Drive, Pittsburgh The name and EDWARD TRISLER. ESTATE Stanley Chester Faller, all persons decedent make known Boal 213-550 to pace to a 3-0 win and lead over Jackin the Starlet Blue Division.

The an 824 and 2,384. Hrabak scored 248 Holiday House, The have a seven game White Division and also has a sevenin the Red DiSt. Adalbert's No. a seven-game marI of the Catholic League. Immaculate Mary heads Section games.

102 Legal Wedge, 294 Washington, or PATTERSON, Att'3, 801 Pa. ROBERT L. WOSHNER, 1000 Jones Law Pa. In the Orphan's Court County, Pennsylvania, 1956. In re Estate of Absentee.

Notice is hereby of on the 21st Armide H. Bats, estate of Mary Jane Cooley, presented a petition In at the above number and forth that the said James been absent from his last of residence and unheard than seven years last ing for an order decreeing presumption of the absentee. The said order fixing the 12th 1956, at 10:00 o'clock, ern Standard time, at Court Room in the ing, Pittsburgh, as place, at which the evidence on said application ing the alleged absence sumed decedent and the and duration thereof, such orders and decrees to the said Court may BERNARD H. Clerk of ESTATE of Paul of Wall. 951 of of administration on granted to the undersigned quests all persons having de against make known the all persons indebted to make payment without V.

Walko, Lincoln E. McKeesport, or DURKIN, 606 Pa. ESTATE of Emma of Pgh. No. 954 of 1956.

administration on her granted to the unedrsigned quests all persons having demands against the cedent to make known all persons indebted to make payment without M. Moore. Admx. 108 Shaler or to GRIER, 11, Att'y. 1408 Pa.

ESTATE of Alva Snyder, Ingram, Pittsburgh, of 1956, Letters testamentary estate were granted to the who requests all persons demands against the cedent to make known all persons indebted to make payment without Bessie Pearl Snyder, Prospect Ingram. to DICKIE, McCAMEY, REIF ROBINSON, Grant Pgh. 19, Pa. March Wright, women's matched first Jacksonville terday. HERBERT Berger Bldg.

Attorney, Pittsburgh, Allegheny 950 of Cooley, given that 1956. of the deceased, said Court year. setting Cooley had known place of for more and praythe legal of said made an of April, EastOrphans' Buildtime and will hear concernthe precircumstances will make thereon AS proper. GOODWIN. Court.

deceased, Letters estate were who reclaims or to estate same and decedent to to Paul Highway, EGAN J. Berger deceased. Letters of estate were who reclaims or of desame and decedent to to Agnes Tartline ROBERT Frick deceased, No. 953 on his undersigned having claims estate of desame and decedent to delay to 47 W. or CHILCOTE, 1310 109 Official -Miscellaneous No.

73 Authorizing the AN ORDINANCEIssuance of warrants in favor of the following: Name of Company Commodity Amount Shalom Research Farms Chicken Blood 20.00 Inc. Steel City Motors, Repair Parts 150.00 Harbison-Walker Re- factories Co. Materials 4,960.07 Snow without previous law. Passed in Council 1956. Approved Feb.

29. 1956. DAVID OLBUM, Deputy Mayor. Recorded in O. B.

page 415, In City Clerk's office. Co. International Salt Removal 14.544.00 AN ORDINANCE--Authorizing the issuance of warrants in of John W. Wolfe, Building Wrecker of Beaver. in the amount of $595.00 and Harvey H.

Williams, HeatContractor Wexford, in the amount of and the Title Guaranty Escrow Agent. Pittsburgh. In the amount of $13.098.35 for the pur- price of expenses No. 74 thereto for labor, materini and furnished the Department of Buildings benefit City of Pitts- without authority of In Feb. 1956, DAVID OLBUM, Deputy Mayor.

B. 60, page 416, City Clerk's AN ORDINANCE- Providing for the letting of a contract for the fur delivery of sett-closing receptacles, for the of Bureau Bridges, Highways Sewers. Deof Works, and for payment thereof. Passed Feb. 27, 1956, Approved Feb.

1956. DAVID Mayor. R. page 417. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the of contract the fur- equal.

as Bureau Sewers. Des for and thereof, Feb. 27, 1956. 1956. Feb.

DAVID OLBUM, Mayor Recorded O. B. 60, 417, City Clerk's AN ORDINANCE Widening Mil- the "West Pittsburch of providing and that the damages and thereby assessed collected from properties bene- No 78 AN ORDINANCE nor from was asked to carry 132 pounds, pressed this year. CHOOSE THE HOME THAT FITS YOUR DESIGN FOR LIVING. 69 selected homes.

fit The signed a Telegraph containing Home by variety will Plan of HomOgraf send different Editor family build, you of architects homes the needs. book de- to If you are planning to now or in the future, you'll profit from studying the fresh, practical ideas contained in this book of plans. Blueprints and other construction guides are available on order, Home Plan Editor, Sun- Telegraph Pittsburgh 30, Pa. Enclose Please send me your book of "69 Selected Homes" Enclosed find: 60c coupon at Money Order Check with left and est your copy of the booklet by Street. mall.

A Blair, the 1407 vited. 1956, opolis, the mass March Anna Jessie L. Shaw held papers 1956, Avon Rufus, H. Mrs. Robert John the End day, Ruth Ruth yette, ald, 2 p.

Home. ley, of ert, Dunn. 729 tice Thomas liam Echard, Ann. Mrs. Knox, at 1719 Monday.

in Hills, ment March Third Zamaria; Monday, G. 6:43 home, grift; Foyt tha Arthur celved Home, grift. Friends Free m. 8. sister celved Home, Pah.

James Erma beloved Friends East held James Bandera Mildrich, Lucot, Tuesday, Solemn Hogan: McCabe. 109 Official -Miscellaneous the Council of the City of held by Pittsburgh to consider said ordinance at the Council Chamber, Fifth Floor, City-County Bullding. Pittsburch. Pa. 011 Monday, March 19, 1956, at 2:45 o'clock, P.M.

GEORGE BOXHEIMER Clerk of Council hereby that the folNotice riven lowing ordinance was the City Pittsburgh the Council of to 20. 1956, pursuant 00 of Acts of February the several the provisions Assembly, property owners to authorizing said city, without petition of mavacate, open, grade, pave, curb, improve streets cadamize and otherwise thereof, its and ways of parts within limits, viz: Bill No. 291 AN Boulevard in ORDINANCE WIDENING Verona Ward of the City of Pittsthe Twelfth to Lincoln Avenue burgh, from property line feet northwardly thereof 754.22 therefrom, changing the name providing and oc- that to Verona Place the costs, damages and expenses thereby be assessed against casioned and collected from properties benefited thereby. Council of the City of The hereby enacts as follows: burgh That Verona Boulevard, SECTION 1. Avenue to property from Lincoln feet northwardly thereline 754.22 the same hereby from, shall be and 18 by takto variable width widened A for highway for Inst public use property, poses the following described to-witt of at the intersection BEGINNING Avenue the of northerly Lincoln and the westerly line Elbernon the Res Plan of Lots.

of record of Allegheny Office County Book Volume Page 951 in Plan northerly thence extending along of Lincoln Avenue South line of 31.3" West 58 feet to point thence eastwardly and northcurve; by the are a circle of deflecting wardly to the left with radius of 30.0 feet angle of for all and a central distance of 44.37 feet to a point are thence by the tangent of tangent: the line of a 25-foot along westerly private street North 58.7° West 190.49 feet to an angle point; thence continuing along the westerly Line of 25-foot private street feet to an angle 31.3 East 267.25 the thence continuing along point: westerly line of a 25-foot private street North East southerly line 301.81 feet to the late S. Hockstein: property of the southerly thence alone late of S. Hockstein property now East 50.0 feet South 28.7 of the Elbernon to the westerly line Plan of Lots: thence alone the westerPlan of Lots ly line of the Elbernon West 298.49 feet South 31.3" in the same; thence to an angle continuing along the same South 2731.3" West 253.28 feet to an point In the same; thence conangle the same South tinuing along 58.71 East 202,45 feet to the place of beginning. SECTION 2, The name of Verona Boulevard as above widened, shall be the same 15 hereby changed to "Verona SECTION The damages and expenses occasioned thereby and the benefits to pay the shall from assessed against collected the with the provisions of Assembly the Acts of therewealth Pennsylvania and regulating SECTION That Ordinance part Ordinance, conflicting with the Ordinance, and the repealed is Ordiaffects this far the same 112 Viewers' Notice of Common Pleas of IN the Court Allegheny County. April No.

1919, 1956. In Petition of PittsRe expenses. aris- Fairston Fusion Ing other Incidental for the from the March. D. the 12th day Lots 412 Eastern Standard of Fairston BAIR.

ROBERT 112 Viewers' Notice 10 o'clock A. Eastern Standard Time, meet on the line of the said Improvement, at Corner of Trinity Street and Amsterdam Avenue proceeding thence over the line of said provement, viweing the same, and the premises affected thereby, HARRY V. BAIR. ROBERT C. MALCOLM JOHN J.

KANE. Viewers. IN the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County. No. 1, April Term.

1056. Docket In. He Petition of the City of Pittburgh the appointment of Viewers to ascertain the costa, damages and expenses, and assess the benefits arising from the widening of Negley Run Boulevard, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, at the Intersection of Orphan Street and Hooker Street. Notice is hereby given to all parties interest that the undersigned Viewers, duly appointed the court in the foregoing matter, prehave pared A schedule showing the damages, costs, expenses ascertained and allowed, and the benefits assessed tor the foregoing improvement, and that sald Viewers will meet and exhibit the same at their office, Eighth floor, City County Butlding. Grant Street, Pittsburgh, the 14th day of March.

A. 1956. 10.15 Al clock. A. Eastern Standard Time, will then and there fix a time for hearing all exceptions and evidence thereon.

THOMAS P. TRIMBLE. THOMAS M. CONRAD, PAUL MeATEE, Viewers. Lost and Found COCKER Spaniel--Black; male: Sunday; Wilkinsburg.

$25 reward. CH 1-2082. DOG Collie- Chow. Male, rusty body, Reward. Emerson 1-8612.

FOUND- -Tuesday, Highland vicinity, small female cocker type, black dog, and white. MO 1-4672. GOLD Ring with 2 diamonds and simulated ruby Thursday, Penn Ave. between 6th and Stanwix. Reward.

WA. 1-3918. 3-SKIN fur neckpiece lost downtown. initialed. Reward, Fairfax WRISTWATCH--Lady's Bulova white Cedar Spring Garden Streetcar, 1-1912.

2 Male Help Wanted All Help Wanted advertisements appearing in the Sun- Telegraph offering sales positions must state the article or service to be sold. 85 well as the basis of compensation. The Sun-Telegraph does not knowingly accept help-wanted advertisements which violate the minimum wage and over-time pay requirements of the Federal Wage and Hour Law. For information consult the U. 6.

Department of Labor's Wage and Hour office at 1002 Victory Building. Liberty Avenue and 9th Street, Pittsburgh 22, Pa, Atlantic 1-1967. of of New properties nance. Docket A Business Own what man dreams of having. art awaits and work Routes established.

Experience We train fur- All paid expenses surance hospitalization, media with retirement No layoffs years. Guaranteed salary. commission. average from $4,000 to $6.500 per Must be willing to to area. write appointment.

Jewel Co. Wood Pgh. ADVERTISING Salesman -For Strong newspaner. opportunity, Write 7-412 Awning Technical Man for experienced train in and salary ARTCRAFT AWNING CO. WALNUT McKEESPORT BUILDING Estimator must be familiar with code and zoning laws.

Jackson 1-0473. Career Opportunity FOR TWO Men 21 to 28 we be trained 9:30 11 am MR. HURD for 300 bed ATER. are between graduate Hospital, draft depart- Downtown lo- account- credit experience re- 300 be Phone 21. to at the incidental let In installation.

rick not Carnahan awning Feb. Approved DAVID OLBUM. property to house ter, 9 Funeral No 75 the Street of The Docket gins. Mil- expenses. others.

across experl- the the under deceased. of affects 20th responsibility with MUST No. Old Services Monon condition from Pa. said AN thereby. 806 1956.

ter. Bldg. B. persons Pa. requests in decedent: payment principal Schmertz, music of Pathol- Monday Itsman.

Funeral Avenue Bldg. Mrs. Interment from No. Minnie requests March to estate F. indebted without payment.

Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.