Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AUTOMOBILES USED Cljtragn Uatlg erifnm Monday, March 14, 1955 Part 3 Page 2 1 AUTOMOBILES WANTED NORTH SIDERS Most cash for your car 50 to 54s. If you can't coma in. call us and well come out. MOTHERWELL tINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER HOUSE AND AUTO- ORR ORR WESTWOOD AMERICAN ANDERSON GREAT LAKES Bank Finance LONG TERMS COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS 7350 Stony Isiand-av. Chicago 2 2 1 1 W.

Belvidere Waukegan NEW AND USED TRAILERS at tremendous discounts. We take an-v-tbing cf value In trade, including FURNITURE. AUTOS, ETC 73C0 STONY ISLAND AUTOMOBILES USED WALTON PRESENTS US SUPERMART OF USED CARS AUTOMOBILES USED LOOK We're Selling 'Em AND Cheap. Too! SEE FOR YOURSELF No Reasonable Offer Refused 200 BARGAINS All All Models AUTOMOBILES USED NO MONEY DOWN WITH ESTABLISHED CREDIT 51 Mercury 4 door $375 '50 Ford Club Coupe $295 '49 Olds 2 door. 51 Ford 4 door 50 Buick 4 door 51 Plymouth Club Coupe $375 51 Studebaker 4 door.

49 Nash Club Coupe. 50 Pontiac 4 door $325 51 Chevrolet Club '50 Dodce Business Coupe. 49 Chrysler 4 door $225 '51 Hudson 4 door $295 51 Chevrolet 4 door 50 Studebaker Club Coupe. '51 Plvmouth Business 50 Studebaker 4 door. '51 De Soto Club 50 Mercury Club 50 Dodge 2 door 51 Nash Club 50 De Soto 4 door 53 Ford 4 door Clean '52 Wlllyi Hardtop 52 Dodge Coupe A Beauty SHELLY MOTORS 3301 W.

IRVING PARK AUTOMOBILES USED DOWNTOWN NASH Immediate Deliver Finance Our Own" 100 guarantee' ON BOTH PARTS-LABOR 15 DAY DRIVING TRIAL 37 Years Continual Service 55 PONTIAC $2. 995 55 BUICK Riviera, used $2,795 55 MERCURY 4 used. 55 PONTIAC Catallna. $2.6 9 5 55 FORD 4 used $2,095 55 CHEVROLET. Used $1,895 54 BUICK Riviera 54 OLDSMOBILE S3 CADILLAC Coupe De Vllle.

$2,193 $250 DOWN 53 BUICK Riviera $1,395 53 DODGE 4 dr $1,195 53 MERCURY 2 dr $1,295 53 PONTIAC 2 dr $1,395 $175 DOWN 52 BUICK 4 dr $1,095 52 MERCURY 4 dr $1,095 52 CHEVROLET 2 dr 795 52 NASH 2 dr 695 $50 DOWN 51 CHEVROLET 4 dr $550 50 BUICK 2 dr $395 50 PLYMOUTH 4 dr 50 STL'DEBKER 2 dr $395 49 MERCURY 2 dr 48 BUICK 4 dr. $185 314 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM DOWNTOWN NASH MODERN HEATED SHOWROOMS 1200 Madison THE WOP.KINGMAN'S FRIEND Open dally 9-10. till 7 p. m. Follow the Crowd to EVANSTON'S NEW CARFETERIA FOR SALE- APT, and Hotel Sale and leases.

Morris DeWoskln A 105 W. Madison-st. STate 2-9891. BAKERY building With store In Gary. fUJ.y equipped.

Including a brancn store. Write Bakery. Box 3233. East Chicago. Ind.

BAKERY North side, 2 rooms In rear. cail EUcKinsham 1-8909 for appt. BAR-LIQUOR COMB. 204 E. 43d-st.

Must be seen to be appreciated. Priced right. No ahoppers. -please. BARBER SHOP Oak Park.

3 chairs. weu est. Living quarters. Air Ccnd. Village 8-2353.

except Sun. BARBER shop 1 chair, rent or sell. LOOP Club. 8 S. DtARBORN BEAUTY SHOP Modern, recently re modeled.

Latest equip. Ready to operate. On street level in 400 rm. hotel Br. North on Chgo's Gold Coast.

Tremendous potential lor ambitious operator. Will lease ox aeU. $2,000 required. PARKWAY HOTEL 100 LINCOLN PARK WEST Mr. Ferdinand Dlversey 6-5000 BEAUTY shop S.

side; est. 9 luir air low reas. BAyport 1-4869 BEAUTY (hop. hotel South; or sell iixiures. DOrchester 3-9519 or PLaia 2-C878 BEAUTY shop Established 15 years.

uvmg quarters. ULympic Z-Q726 BEAUTY SALON 5900 NORTH BEST OFFER UPtown 8-5913 BLACKSMITH. Welding and Ornamen tal iron fenop; xuiiy equipped; located 65 miles northwest of Chicago. Good community. Reasonably priced.

Plenty of work. Write or call SUU-man Welding Shop. 211 E. Woodstock. IiL BOY'S WEAR N.

side; weU gooa gooa lease; dean stock. Air cond. Write MTF 132. Tribune CAFETERIA. North Doing $120,000 annual.

Dusmess. Good lease. Money maaer. Agent, jJEiaware 7-2635 CARTAGE COMPANY LOCAL 5 trucks. GROSS $48,000 YEAR.

COX CO. DEarbom 2-A057 CLEANING and tailoring store in Gold Coast district. Fine going business. Ambassador Cleaners. 1 1 W.

Division CLEANERS Liv. quarters. Low rent-al. No money down. Lincoln 9-304 0 w.

iowa-st. 4 rm. ua. inc. Barry Bus.

Bkrs. WEUlngton 5-2475 CLEANING plant N. suburb. Must sic, Illness. Writ MBC 1 99, Tribune.

CLEANING store Same loc. 10 exc. ousiness. aunnysice -t-zuva. CLEAN IN G-Tailorlng S.

E. location. moii. presser. od.

RAdclllte 3-927S. COCKTAIL lounge and restaurant 34oo a blocks N. ol Belmont; busy Industrie 1 section; money maer ior ngnt party. COCKTAIL Lounge One cf finest on boutn biae; in fetrana Motel, inquire 6325 Cottage Grove-av. PLaza 2-70 0O.

CONFEC. Store In Roseland: estab. 13 cneap. I170Q MJcmgan-av. CONFECT.

store 111. must sell: fnt cams, toys, etc. 4658 N. Kedzie. CONFECTIONERY 4 RM.

LIVING CApitOl 7-9043 CORSET AND LINGERIE DEPT. In dept. store. Volume $20,000. Mr.

Stickler PAIlsade. 5-9220 CUSTARD stand Best loc. on S. side: all complete for operation; $4,000 cash. 4735 W.


PLaza 2-8282 DELICATESSEN AND TAVERN with 5 room connecting residence; located In Fox Lake, 111. Good opportunity for couple to operate. Owner. Benson's, 131 E. Grand.

Fox Lake, 111. Ph. JUstlce 7-8421. DEPT. STORE Good volume.

Reas. rent. Must sell at once. Est. since 1931.

Dvore. 5228 W. 25th. Cicero. 111.

Phone TOwnhall 3-4740. DELICATESSEN-Snack Shop Jewish traae. By appt. Austin 7-3277. Agt.

DRUG store Due to death. N. W. side. EVerglade 4-9515.

2000 W. Webster DRY cleaning store With 4 rm. lumT apt. Reasonable for quick sale. 4057 Armitage.

Dickens 2-8979. FISH STORE FRENCH FRIED shrimp iv competition. Must sell at once. Sac, terms. Agent, PLaza 2-7215.

FLORIST N. Est. 28 yrs. Liv. qtrs.

Tms. Huber Superior 7-3448 FOOD mart-pk. liquors Self-serv. Keason ior sealing, can nanaie aione. Real oprjor.

Cash or terms. Call John. 8611 W. Cerma Riverside 7-9733 FOOD PLANT FULLY BAR GALt. OWNfcH.

LAStgate 7-B337. FOOD store With 7 room reas. rent. Best offer; ATlantlc 5-07 91 FOOD SHOP 748 E. 79th: 2 ma.

Sacr. dn. Agt. PLaza 2-7215 FOOD SHOP Colored O. 5 rms.

$1 .4 95, dn. PLaza 2-7215 tuon super, s. w. sa.uou wk. bus.

rr. $13.000 AUStin 7-3277. Agt. FURNITURE CARPET LINOLEUM RETAIL STORE IN BERWYN Well established comer location In shopping center. $175,000 yearly net.

Long term lease available. Phone owner, sxaniey B-ia a FURNITURE store Doing $60,000 an. nually. Northwest location. No Borax.

Owner leaving city. SI 5,000 complete price, write mux a 3. "lripune, CARAGE Washine. creasine. repairing body and fender work and full truck storage.


CHI- tAUU, ArD 1U1U WIN- NETKA. CONTACT G. W. SUFFERT, Michigan 2-7526 or J. R.

MEYER, ORcnara aitsr f. m. GAS Station New s'eel 3 bay station. N. W.

side. Excellent neighborhood, for Inventory. Excellent potential. Long lease avaiiaDie ior ngnt man, me chanically minded. Latest equipment TUXeOO 9-Ht)6U GAS STATION Arrow Petroleum Co.

will lease desirable 3 bay station to responsible person. ior Ior invent, and eauiD. S4.000 reautred. N. E.

corner of Central and 16th. Cicero Townnaii 3-9450 GAS station Major oil company has 2 outstanding locations for lease In western suburbs: excellent gallon ee with modern facilities; $5,000 needed for purchase of stock and equipment. Phone Mr. Krause. EStebrook 9-0373 GAS Station Nearly -4 million gala, last year.

Greater potential this year. Doliar-for-dollar Inventory. Approx. 5 ,000 cash. 16 10 S.

Indiana-ev. GRILL and Fountain Reas. Good location. See Sunday and week days after 12 p. ImingPark.

GRILL, FOUNTAIN, SUNDRIES modem: yr. lease; Northwest location; est. 15 yrs. Call after 6 p. Ai.Dajy CROC, dellc, notions Mod.

clean stock; excel, bus. with 4 rm. apt. (both htd.l: rent $85. Only $3,900 or best offer.

Gd. Southwest loc. Stan. Agent. HEmlock 4-7902.

Mat. Sell serv. Annual vol. over $150,000. Loc.

2000 N. nr. the lake.INdepen1 3-0 036. GROCERY "STORE CHEAP; 2259 S. CALIFORNIA.

6-4819. GROCERY Store Good locality; sell due to Illness. 2306 N. Westem-av. HAPDWARE business Going; In Clear water.

Fla. tiood location. well balanced, clean stock. write mte ICE Cream parior doing nice fountain business. Some sandwiches.

Owner will sacrifice for quick sale. 2717 Peterson LADIES ready-to-wear and sportswear shop Terrif volume. Low expense. Must sell at once. Est.

since 1931. Dvore. 6223 W. 25th. Cicero, 111.

TOwnhall 3-4740 LAUNDERETTE Gr. $1,150 mo. Sacr. Urns. Agent.

WEbster 9-4441 LAUNDROMAT Net $1,000 mo. 500. Terms. Agent. WEbster 9-444 1 LAUNDROMAT Fully cl.

5:30 p. closed Sun grcs $1,800 mo. $15,500. Tms. 1 LETTER" SHOP Est.

1920; Loop. Real buy. Will coach. superior 7-2266 LINGERIE store Bargain. S.

W. loc. Peters A Peters 7928 South Park PHONE RAdcliffe 3-6 800 LIQUOR stock, fixt. Sac. $12,500 604 E.

63d-et. Midway 3-4 664 MASSAGE salon Very good bus. Reas. owner retiring, juniper Mill. MEAT MkL-Groc.

$1,000 will handle. 363 9W. 1 6 wndale2I8 652 MEAT Mkt. S. Kedzie.

$00 wk. Sac. Barry Bus. Bkrs. WEllirigton 5-2475 MEAT MARKET $10 "WEEK WILL BUY.

Riverside 7-29 19. MOTEL 24 UNITS WITH RESTAU-RANT: ON U. S. 54. 25 DOWN.

ROckwell 2-0396 Bishop 2-1125 MOTEL Practically new 22 unit modem Court, plus dining room seating capacity 32. kitchen and living quarters. Masonry construction. Approximately 100 ml. from Jacksonville.

on routes 301 and 25. One of rieavy traffic routes Maine to Florida. Price $60,000 cash, balance conveniently financed. Contact owner thru E. K.

Bennett, P. O. Box 178. Way- cross.eorg! a. inone 12 PET SHOP Must sell: opp.

for right party; good loc. Call p. m. 5 6 1 4 Irving Park Open Sunday POLISHING and platln shop Copper, nickel and chrome. EVerglade 4-6474 RECORD Shop-Music Store Reas.

Mon ey maker. ro competition. Estarjiishea 10 years. Waterfall 8-6479. RESORT Amer.

plan and golf course. Famous musky area. Northern Wis. 20 rm. lodre, 8 rm.

riome. 7 cabins, tavern, other bldFS. 101 acres, 100' lake front. 125.000 dn. Fin.

baL write MPT 291. Tribune RESTAURANT Modem, recently and reconditioned in 400 room hotel on Chicago's near north Gold Coast. Tremendous future potential: present operation very profitable. Fully equlpw-d kitchen with latest equioment Terrific rcjm service potential. Exclusively transient and permanent, catering to conventions $4,500 required, will make bttr deal with reput3ble party.

Rent $150 per month. Will accept property part payment. OVERLOOKING PARK AND LAKH. PARKWAY HOTEL 2100 LINCOLN PARK WEST Mr. Ferdinand.

Mzr. Dlversey 8-S000 RESTAURANT Doing $5O0-J600 WK. LOW RENTAL. GOOD LEASE. REASONABLE 5057 S.

HALSTELl RESTALTRANT Pizza. Madison-Pulaski shop, air good going bus. Long lease. COlombus 1-5276. RESTAURANT for sale A real money maker; ail new equip Fee owner betw.

2-4 p. m. Ulnera. 638 N. State-st.


38 rms. Bldg. and bus. Uptown. Inorme $17,000.

Price $47,500. Terms. Hay gle lease. 265J Simon S. Brown P.OOMING House Leasehold; could be made Into men's or women's club.

Wonderful oppty. CA pi tol 7-8040. after 1 p.m. RMG. HSE.

26 uptownl $00 7 yr. Is. P.edec. New fura. Pr.

$8,600. Agent. DEiaware 7-2635. ROOMING hse. 11 7 rms.

rented. Inc. $4,000. Nr. Lincoln Pk.

S3.000 down. Owner. UObawk 4-1681 WEST SIDE BUICK FOR DEPENDABLE USED CAR VALUE '54 Buick cTrmro nnrrrot 1 a Radio, heater. E-Z eye glass. Practi cal new.

Don mm tnisi '53 Olds SUPER "SS" HOLIDAY CPE. Radio, heater, many other extras. Hard to tell from ne '53 Buick $1,595 SUPER RIVIERA HARDTOP Oorgeous Ivory and black. Equipped with dynaflow, radio, heater. r- eye giaii, ana custom interior, 53 Pontiac $1,595 SUPER DE LUXE CATALINA 2 tone ereen and Ivory with hydra.

radio, heater, cuitom leather Interior. w. w. tires, cust. continental kit.

Top appearance. Mechanically perfect. '53 Chevrolet DE LUXE CLUB COUPE Popular 210 club cupe. Ideal for that second car. Has all factory equip.

Extremely low miles and like new cond. '52 Buick $1,095 SPECIAL RIVIERA HARDTOP Radio, heater, dynaflow, 2 tone green. Amazingly sharp and only 3 years old. '52 Hudson TmRKTT n.ITB COUPE Immaculate 2 tone blue beauty with low miles. Has hydramatlc, radio.

heater, whitewails. in top condition Ideal road car. '51 Buick $895 SUPER RIVIERA 4 DR. SEDAN Jet black finish. Dynaflow.

radio, heater, many other extras. De luxe transportation, at a Bargain '51 Buick. SUPER" CONVERTIBLE CPE. One of the smartest and cleanest con verts, we hsve ever offered lor saie. Has all equip, mciuamg aynanow radio, heater, white wall tires.

'50 Buick $695 BrVTFB HARDTOP COUPE Real sport car at a bargain price. All factory equipment inciuaea. 75 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Of Course They're Guaranteed! Immed. Delivery LowGMAC Financing WEST SIDE BUICK 4611 W. LAKE OPEN EVES.

AND SUNDAYS AUstin 7-0700 CHEVROLET 1955 Bel Air. Used, but with estoundlngly few miles. Will be sold for $190 down, If you are steadily employed. Alpine white and canary yellow, set off beautifully by tubeless white wall tires. It would take an ex-perfs expert to tell this automobile from Drana spanking new.

uaaeo wim extra eaulDment and factory Improved right down the line. Just a dream to drive and own. Completely effortless to handle. Delivery one-nan nour with no red tape at all. Until 9:30 visit us at 801 S.

Western or for fast credit check, call M. J. Stew art at SEeley s-oeoo. CHEVROLETS 54 Conv. coupe 54 "-210" Fordor Save 53 Tudor eqpd 53 Fordor 210 eqpd 51 Tudor.


A sllghtlv used 3 tone blue with radio, heater, power-glide and premium w. w. tires. 100 unconditional guarantee. DIVISION CHEV.

1132 N. DAMEN Open Eves, and Sun. CHEV. 53 BEL AIR 51,175 Exactly like new. Very low mileage.

W. W. tires, radio, heater, Fowergiide. etc. Sparkling 2 tone and the Interior Is as clean as the day this car was delivered brand new.

Perfect mech. cond. Easy terms. New car guarantee. CLARK-MAPLE CHEVROLET 1038 N.

CLARK MOhawk 4-1470 Open Evm -Sun. CHEV. '50 CONV. COUPE. $545 Moonlight cream, black top: radio, heater.

Powergll.le. Like new tires. Glistening chrome and spotless Interior. -A gold coast 1 owner trade In. CLARK-MAPLE CHEVROLET 55 W.

CHICAGO MOhawk 4-1470 Open Eves-Sun. CHEVROLET '52 $995 A convertible this outstanding car has very low mileage, la fully eqpd. Including powerclide. NORGAN PONTIAC TRVTNO PARK-RD. SPring 7-5305.

Open Eves, and Sun. CHEV. '54 4 DR. STA. WAG Like new.

Fully equipped. Save $1,100 from list. MARTTN KKI.T.Y. INC. AUTH.

DLR. 441 E. OHIO Open eves, till 9 MOhawk 4-1200 CHEV. '53 BEL AIR A 4 door brown and beige showpiece. Fully equipped $1,145 FERRELL-HICKS CHEV.

5727 S. ASHLAND Open Sun. REpubllc 7-6200 CHEVROLET '51 $695 De luxe 2 door seaan. equippea witn radio, heater, seat covers, etc. See it today and you'll buy it.

BENDER-RIEGER, INC. AUTH. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER 933 W. WASHINGTON CHEV. '51 Bel Air hardtop: will be sold for $29 monthly, no money down.

If steadily employed. One owner, garage kept. Like brand new. 7630 S. Western WAlbrook 5-3378 CHEV.

'4 9 cT cpe. Fully equipped. Like new tires ana spotless interior. Can be purchased for no money down If your credit qualifies. Full price $145.

CLARK-MAPLE Chevrolet, 37 years a Chevrolet Dealer. 55 W. Chicago. MOhawk 4-1470. Open Eves-Sun.

A beautiful 1 owner low mileage 2 tone green with radio, heater. SANDRA 1335 W. Jackson NEW CAR DEALER Open Sun. CHEVROLET '53 210 4 dr. sedan.

line car; carries warramy 511 lrvir.g Park Open eves, and Sun. CHEV. '55 Bel Aire V8 4 dr. with used; coral gray; very low lee. extra 3 tone, turn backups.

$1,995. Pvt. party. Will finance. MErrlmac 7-1393 CHEVROLET '54: beautiful blue finish: radio, heater.

$1,095. Midway 6523 Cottage Grove. CTlEV. '50. 4 door; $495; reconditioned: immaculate car thruout.

TOM HARRIGAN. OAK PARK. 414-454 MADISON OPEN CHEV '51 BEL AIR SPORT CPE7 French grey over Tripoli blue. Ready to go today. Nlckey Chevrolet" 4 1 49 Milwaukee CHEV.

Late '53 club coupe, 210' model: orig. owner: VIRTUALLY NEW; fully eqpd. $95 or old car down. 6200 S. Ashland CHRYSLERS 53 Windsor 4 loaded.

52 Imperial 4 full power. $1,850 51 Imperial 4 full power. $1,150 50 Windsor 4 equipped. 48 Windsor 4 equipped. TDM HARRIGAN.


4 H. W. W. tires; auto, power power brakes, custom interior. Serviced bv us since new; practically no miles: 9330 oown.


KELLY, INC. AUIH. DLR. 441 E. OHIO Open eret.

till 9 MOhawk 4-1200 CHRYSLER '53 4 pow. steering; 1 owner. Kidway s-oaiT zrom BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -FOR SALE- ROOMING house 2 story brick building, located en Washlngton-bivd. in-cune about $75 per week pius owner's 3 room 3 car gar. Price complete $15,000.

(Mr. Srlekerrnanl REALTY A- MORTGAGE cv. 3 1 15 Lc tan-bird. EVergiade 4-g00O P.MG. HSE.

23 rooms plus store; gd. Income; low expense. Fuilerton and Lincoln. Building and furniture. Priced right.

$8,000 down. CAPPS CO. Superior SCHOOL LUNCH Supply store nr. h. So.

Rfal buy. STewart 3-8923 SHOE store Culck sale due to Illness. Estab. 19 yrs. Excellent location.

12 532 2 N. Cicero. SHOE Repair Good loc. kitt Best offer. 5971 N.

Clark. STORE LIVING GLadstone 5-3090 TAVERN Loun ge, kltclL Very good opportunity. Sacr. $25,000 fur due to personal reasons. write MBC 59.

Tribune TAVERN Good N. W. neighborhood Io cs nan. ciean ana weu equipped, laeal for couple. AVenue 4-fc76S after 7 p.

m. 4354 Milwaukee. TAVERN 1064 Berwyn-av. Est. 12 yrsZ sax, 4 Downs, v.

wa.a-ia Ring. COMPLETE STOCK MUST SELL HUSBAND INVALID) TAVERN Resort. Fully equipped kltcn- cd. Doais. year rouna Business.

East shore Grass Lake, Pick's Resort. TAVERN and bldg. 3 story, brick. b. two Jt.

on 6. for appt. caii RAdcliffe 3-9363. TAVERN and liquor store Vic, Irving tora. tjtner Interests.

Best offer. 3907 W. Irving Park. TAVERN N. W.

side. Well estab. cor ner Business, wonderful neighoerhooa trade. jUnlper 6-9877. TAVERN-Bar-B-Q Modem: will con- sider partner 629 N.

Clark; TAVERN Gd. business. Owner lives out oi town. SAcramento 2-6846. Rocky.

TAVERN Good reduced price. oiii iaie rara 8-y4 0 TAV. with or without Income bidg.7 i nn-naistea. owner. STewart 3-96 IT TAVERN Well established 5231 S.

Cicero Portsmouth 7-9474 TAVERN Rest, with bldg. la factory mat. ioig mine. OAtiana 4-9079. TELEVISION-RADIO REPAIR Best loc.

on W. side. Rent $95 Bio. 2 rms. liv.

qtrs. In rear. Fine Inventory. Cross $12,000 per yr. Net Inc.

$5,000. This business can be bought for $3,300. cash. This advertising la addressed paa cialy to students of radio and television schools, one of the fastest growing businesses we ever saw. Exc.

personal reason for selling. Marian Wald. Exclusive Broker 1647 W. Madison SEeley 8-1635 TV RADIO RECORD STORE Located In prosperous Fox River Valley area. $2,700 buys fixtures, equipment and truck.

Stock at Inventory $10,000 to can reduce If necessary. Reasonable rent excellent opportunity to get business ol your own. Call or write CARL ZUELZKE. BROKER 118 South Appleton ADDleton. Wisconsin TRUCKING BUSINESS Est.

20 yrsl two state rights; nets $12,000. Purchase price $15,000. Owner retiring. Call agent. WEbster 9-4698 VARIETY "shop Good location: reason- aoiy pneea.

Excellent potential. No curiosity seekers. iieldrake 3-9889. BUSINESS EOUIPMEMT UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY A fascinating, profitable business. Part or full time.

Service beautiful display units of quick turnover Items in cafes, motor courts, beauty shops, etc. Wa fet the accounts for you. Suitable or man or woman. No experience required. Won't Interfere with your resent Job.

Earnings will surprise you. ncome starts immediately. Requires only $780. well secured. Write The House of Gifts.

1030 Denver. Colorado. TWO NEW WINNERS The new N. w. 6c gum vendor and the 3 column selective cookie vendor.

Also parts, supplies. and merchandise for all vending machines. KING A CO. 2700 W. LAKE-ST.

COMPLETE restaurant equip. Deep freeze. Ice maker, stoves, booths; exc. condltlonMIdwav 3-3515; 16 VENDING nut machines Brand pew. uu uiion BUSINESS SERVICE.

PRINTING Quality work, small town puces, xiooa wora. puotications a specialty. Large shop, good equipment, top production, low overhead. Will be In Chicago In near future. Write Ludl Printing Company, Wahoo.

Nebraska. EXPORTER Invites quotations Usei cars, truexs. motorcycles and other new and used merchandise. NortU American Argonaut Co- 6 10 s. Srmd.

way, Los Angeles, Cal. CHEMIST With well equipped labora- iury ior reasearcn ana development of emulsions, emulsion paints. Inks, paper and board coatings. Reas. rates.

write siur zo, Tribune GENL. bldg. xnalnt. Plasterine. rew mqrg, city wide.

WAgner 4-1708 600 LETTERS or pr. lists $sT Ccetello, 767 Mliw. MOnroe 6-1267 CONCESSIONS AND LOCATIONS FOR LEASE Fully equipped restaurant In central Florida doing approximately $100,000 annually. Connected witn a Class motel. Interested party must be experienced and financially responsible.

Write MDG 20. Trlbuna HIGH class restaurant and cocktail lounee on near N. side. Folly excellent exceptional oppty. Apply manaeer.

Granada Apt. Hotel. 629 W. Arlington. RESTAURANT To lease.

Apply at 1524 W. after 5 p. m. DISTRIBUTORS DISTRIBUTORSHIP for the state of Illinois, noncompetitive product, local sales force est. dealers, wonder-lul opportunity for 1 or 3 men; Immediate profits: $16,600.

Write MEX 568. Tribuns WNNUrSCTURINQ OPEN time on production broaching. uiiui Heavy general maenme wa. Production lots required. Call AURORA 9282 PARTNERSHIPS, INVESTMENTS-ASSOCIATES "A NICE LITTLE BUSINESS" Only part time but can be expended to full time.

Less than $3,000 required. Should net $500 per month on your Investment. Give chone num. ber.WrlteMBCl 27. Tribune.

YOUR Investment will net high returns In the motel semi-retirement business. Bishop 2-1 1 25 CRawford 7-64 9 8 WANT $2,000 for business Invest. Will pay interest, wnte MDT 49. Tribuns SALESMEN'S SIDELINES Manufacturer's Representative Outstanding eastern manufao-turer and designer of microwave transmission equipment desires middle western sales representation by estab. organization.

Box CT 1391 221 W. New York 36, H. T. MANUFACTURER AGENT very competitive mfr. torsion sprint Jup to .073 diam.

wire. Protected territory, excel, sideline. Will interview Cfilcaro. March 17 and 18. WANTED Business Opportunities PRODUCT MANUFACTURER Large, modem metal manufacturing plant now equipped to expand and develop new products ar.d Inventions or supplement your production.

4 3 years of Industrial srow-bow. All replies strictly confidential. Write K. E. Burton.

Arlington Corporation, (44 Kamm Building. St, Paul. Minn. ALL CASHT-OR YOUR BUSINESS SOLD No cost to you BETTER BUSLNESS BROKERS Austin 7-3277 CASH BUYERS WAITING Long list of sales. Establ.

18 years. ASSOCIATED PLaza 2-6282 Ws BUY OR SELL any bus No ao vance fee. Mr. Lewis. MOnroe 6-4544 1 YOU fciUsT seu or retire we buy or sen ior casn pnnace.

canai -MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE- LATE Model A South Bend Lathe, especially suited tor home or small shop work. Complete with motor and controls, mounted on strong frame stand, motor mounted underneath, driven with h. P-. 220 volt, 3 60 cyl. motor.

Also 9" South Bend Model type 415 YA bench lathe. Truly fine lathe for home or email shop. Horizontal, adjustable motor drive. 320 3 pn 60 cvl. motor PEERLESS TOOL ENGINEERING 44 31 W.

DIVISION SHEET metal machinery 1-8 ft. steel biaxe. S125: 1 no. 24 locgionner with easv edger attached, $265: 1 q. Shear.

$200: 1 Bett-Mar saw. $275; 1 cleat former. D. and $240. EStebror.k 8-7372 12" FAY A EG AN planer.

R. H. sec. F. stand for dir.

dr. 25 h. p. G. 220-440 motor, push but. So.d sen. MUlberry 5-81 13 or ev. Write MDG 496. Tribune STIFF-LEG DERRICK 1 ton capacity.

30 ft. boom. Can be equipped for power or hand winch- Bargain. FOV; FRanxlln 2-0894 LARGE STOCK OF MACHLVEP.Y PUNCH PRESSES. LATHES.

MILLS. SHARERS. BRAKES, SHEARS. ETC. 1120 JacKson TAylor 9-1120 WOODWORKING Machinery For sash.

doors, cabinetir ana jumiture. riu line of knives and cutters. Woodworkers. 222 S. Chicago.

DELTA KILS A A TLA 3 SAWS. SANDERS, DRILLS AAA Saw A Tool gvc. A Supply Co. 1 4 01 Washington. HAymarket 1-713 7 U.

S. 8,000 LB. free tydraul. car hoist. Rod! E.dg.

ana 2500 S. Aihland. MOnroe 6-6670 LOCK corner w. 5 h. p.

motor. Also coating 48 wioe. jansea A Sycamore. HI. Phone 4122.

LIQUIDATING toolrm. machine shop snd sr.eet metal equip, uver 400 sea-chines available. 20 S. Racine. S'O.

00G Brown A Starpe. Ser. No 16751 with A s. automatic bar feed. KEdzi 3-1125.

AIR RECEIVER Like new. Heavy dou- til riveted. 3XS It. S17S. CEdarcrest 3-6335 until 6.

Mr.Nlson PRESS brake totally recond. last 30 days. Bisncp 7-e8ZZ. HARDWOOD pallets for sale. L'ke new.

40X4" il eicn. HAMlll 2-07O. WANTED Machinery and Equipment. SWAGING machine Used, Tarricgloss No. 1 or equivalent.

MARLON MFG. CORP. 12410 Cleveland. Ohla, WANTED 300 to 350 ton hydraiUiSl press. 30x30 mm.

platen sue. Parker CKesaoeake 3-1409 TOP CASH FOR MACHINERY Late, old. and any type. HAvtnartet 1-2 33 3 WNT Diesel generator. 25 or 30 HW.

la food condition. Prtaf 7-3578. 2540 LAWRENCE. LOcEbeach 11488 WE NEED CARS Highest Cash Prices FOR CLEAN LATE MODEL CARS ALL MODELS "4 8 TO '55 2644 N. CICERO BErkshlre T-1260 BErksnlre 7-2643 ITS SIMPLE YOU WANT THE MOST CASH FOR YOUR CAR.

WE PAY THE MOST CASH FOR YOUR CAR. IT WILL ONLY COST YOU A PHONE CALL TO BE CONVINCED. BErkshlre 7-5411 HIGH DOLLAR Paid lor clean, one owner cars any make, year or model. It will cost you money If ycu don't get our cash bid. Broadway Lincoln-Mercury 6259 N.

BROADWAY TOP FOR YOUR CAR Will pay your balance. 1948 to 1955 any make. We buy foreign can and wrecks. Open eves, and Sunday. SUnnyside 4-9546 EDgewater 4-9065 4910 N.



PHONE LAwndale 1-2111 SKY HIGH CASH FOR SHARP CARS STATION WAGONS NAtional 2-2524 CASH FOR CLEAN CARS '46s-'53a JACK THOMPSON OLDSMOBILE 4040 W. 95th-st. Hilltop 5-0131 TRUCKS, TRAILERS, TRACTORS GMC Truck Values '53 Chev. 8 Pass. Carryall Heater, low nu.

$895 '52 GMC 4 cyl. D632 Diesel Tractor 150 h. 2 cd. axle. Like new.

$3,753 '51 GMC 4 cyl HDCR 652 Diesel Tractor. New Paint. Cin. $2,995 Factory Branch 1700 W. PERSHING-RD.

Virginia 7-1710 ESSERMAN HAS THE BEST TRUCK BUYS PICK-UPS PANELS STAKES CAS A CHASSIS 6900 S. State Hudson 3-0700 STRICK COMPANY OFFERS THE BEST SELECTION OF I USED TRAILERS I AT LOWEST PRICES SEE US FIRST 9300 S. DREXEL ESsex S-7112 MACK LFT sleeper. 510-A gasoline engine: 10 speed transmission: dual reduction rear axle: full tractor eauip-ment: $2,500. We trade, finance, and furnish insurance.

MACK MOTOR TRUCK CO. 3300 S. Wentworth CAlumet 5-5405 FORD 1949 F-7 2V4 ton LWB. with excellent enclosed panel $695 NELSEN-HIRSCHBERG FORD 5115 Irving Pw Open eves, and Sun. 1950 FORD F-500 Vi ton LWB -C.

C. Very nice $595 NELSEN-HIRSCHBERG FORD 5115 Irving Pk. Open eves, and Sun. '51 G. M.

suburban station wagon. Good cond. $500 or will trade for good shop equipment, and power tools Call Dlversey 8-5853 BRAND new '54-'55 'Ford trks. M-V4 ton models: never been usea: must sell; call Al. ORchard 3-6519.

INT. METRO 51 i ton: 8' clean; tcp mechanical condition. Pri vate. ARamore l-boe. MOVING VAN 6 RM.

BODY: 1947. EXC. COND. BEST OFFER. 6367 N.

MILWAUKEE GOING eSt for business 19 pickups. panel and stakes, ko reasonaoie oner refusetL 1233 S. Cicero FORD '53 "750" 6 wheeler, dump. Call alt, e. p.

ymmore STUDE. '53 1V4 van body. $1,095 Mclnerney Chev. 2715 N. Cicero FORD panel truck '50; clean: good conq.

iviusi sen, Aypors -i- do. 51 FORD F-5 14 ton stake body; pvt. party. ESteorook 8-7372. 1948 Special Panel Dodge truck $500.

4707 malaria urcexei j-bji 1950 CHEV. 2 ton Closed body; very low mileage. Lincoln 9-5120. WANTED Trucm, Trailers, etc TRUCKS WANTED ANY MAtE, YEAR. OR CONDITION MARTIN AUTO PARTS CO.

2036 N. Southport Dlversey 8-2772 Trip PRICES FOR YOUR TRUCKS Tractors, dumps, stakes, pickups and panels. CAlumet 5-7777 KTOHEST PRICES PAID PICKUPS. PANELS AND STAKES KAtionai TOP DOLLAR FOR CLEAN pickUDS. panels, and stakes.

Bishop 2-1567 WANTED 75 pickups, metres, stakes. 1230 S. Ashland CAnai t-y AUTOMOBILES NEW BRAND NEW 1955 PONTIAC "860" 2 DOOR A LUXURY CAR IN THE LOW PRICED FIELD BIG 180 H. P. V-8 ENGINE BIG 122" WHEELBASE BIG 203" OVER-ALL LENGTH ONLY $1,917.45.



TO '54 Chryslers '54 Plymouths Big Discount ALL MODELS AND COLORS Radios, Heaters, Power Flites CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Factory New Car Dealer 1640 W. OGDEN-AV. CORNER MONROE-ST. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY AUTOMOBILE LOANS AUTOS REFINANCED Lower Payments Need Cash? BANK RATES NO RED TAPE Call or Visit Today: DL Midwest Auto Finance Co. 5301 N.


2. GET EXTRA CASH. 3. FINANCE NEW OR USED CARS. For Fast Service at I Rates Call Mr.

Sullivan SPrlng 7-8840 Dobbs Inves'ra B4 19 Be mont BIG CLEARANCE SALE Sensational new 1955 models. Travel-home. Used bargains. Choice parks. 5 years fin.

at 5. Furniture and cars traded in Rent-buy plan. 9317 Cottare Grove RAdcliffe 3-C212 1 10 2 lndianapolis ESse 5-2072 BANK RATE AUTO REFINANCING Loans, extra cash, refinancing BY FORMER BANK OFFICER LYONS FINANCE. INC. 3123 N.

Cicero SPring 7-2251 AUTO LOANS REPOSSESSIONS REFINANCED Lower Your Payments. Need Cash? Marquette Accept. REpublic 7-6600 AUTO LOANS QUICK ANY AMOUNT7 See Miss Burns CP.awIord 7-164 7 AUTOS AND TRUCKS TO BENT WTLLETT TRUCK LEASING COMPANY S-4-5- Room Drive Ycursell Trucks. Go Anywhere. Lift Gates and pads Available.

Mr. Ped. 630 W. Harrison MOnroe 6-1485 KEW CARS and TRUCKS lor every purpose. Local and long distance.

Moving equipment, lilt gates. By hour, day. weea. or trip. PEARSON U-DRIVE S925 M.

Pulaski IRvlng VAGABOND TRAVELO NEW MOON PACEMAKER GENERAL 30 Used Trailers. All Sires ROBERT CRIST SON 9100 Stonf Island BAyport 1-9100 Open Dally to 9.Sat.-Sun.to6 ZIMMER TRAILER 1952. 36 It, Like new. Lived In by 1 adult lor short time: ail ready to move 4n; fenced-in yard. Can linance.

4 biks, from CTA buses. $3,295. Inq. In ol- nce. luwpo xnaianapous-oivd.

SUPREME AND VICTOR SAVE NEW AND USED TRAILERS Mcdonald trailer sales 1ST and NORTH-AV- MAYWOOD Fillmore 4-5S19. Open 9-7 week days SAVE AS HIGH AS $1,000 ON ALL MODELS JOHNNY'S TRAILER SALES 2749 N. Austin NAtional 3-7775 SPARTANS 1619 E. 95th-st ESsex 5-3424 4650 N. Harlem I'Nderhill 7-8538 THA1LKRHOMES.

INC. KIW 4X6 Utility Trailer 569.50 ALSO VARIOUS SIZES SNHarlem MUlberry 5-0525 PERFECT TRAVEL TRAILER! 16 It. Aljoa 1953 alum, sleeps brakes: very clean. 38 38 S. Harlem HAWKINS TRAILER SALES 107th and Indianapolis Whiting 2999 DEER PARK trailers sales and nark.

9100 Milwaukee-av. ORcnard S-0300 -WANTED Trallee House and Auto- USED LATE MODEL TRAILER WTD. MUST BE CLEAN AVenue 3-3360 TOP DOLLAR For clean, late model used trailer. MUseum 4-3021 -AUTO REPAIRING, EQUIPMENTS' YR. WRITTEN GUARANTEE on car repairs, automatic transmissions, painting and body-work.

No raonef down, 6-24 month to pay. Free estimate. No linance company. In business 35 years. CAlumet 5-7022 BELL AUTO REPAIR -2450 S.

MICHIGAN "SEE BELL FOR THE BEST NO CASH or title needed 1 year guarantee; drive cur car: free tow. any repair, small or large, on any make or model: body, lender, paint, motor, brakes, radiator, etc. Open Sun. TELEPHONE: LAkeview 5-1907 CHGO'S COMPLETE REBUILD ERS 3612-20 N. WESTERN-AV.

TIME PAYMENT PLAN EVERY REPAIR FOR EVERY CAR DRIVE A "55 CAR NO CHARGE DAWES 2309 S. MICHIGAN Victory 2-0909 Full written guar. BRAKJiS KELLNEU WHILE All Most cars $13.95: 20.000 ml. guar. 113 N.

Pulaski VAn Buren 6-2122 RINGS Installed In a 6 cyL passenger car. $45; no money down. E-Z terms 2339 W. GRAND. TAylor 9-7730 REPAIRS ON CREDIT Free towing MOnroe6 6248 CRANKSHAFT GROUND IN CAR OR TRUCK.

Craft DOrchester 3-7790 MOTORCYCLES-SCOOTERS-BIKES 1955 ZUNDAPP AND VICTORIA Motorbikes, scooters, and motorcycles. Used and rebuilt motorcycles, all models from $195. E-Z terms. TRIANGLE 2157 W. Harrison OPEN EVENINGS, SUNDAY A.

M. MONARCH motor bike Worth $210: 2 cylinder: used one mile only. Will sell for $155. Call owner. Riverside 7-6641 after 5 p.

m. MOTORCYCLE $5 DOWN Harlev-Davidson 2759 W. OGDEN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS AND ORGANS- FIRE AND WAREHOUSE LIQUIDATION SALE NEW AND USED PIANOS BAND INSTRUMENTS GUITARS AMPLIFIERS Upright Player Piano, used. 69 Starck Upright Piano, 99 Starck Walnut Spinet, used $295 Lyon Healy grand piano, blonde finish: needs some repair. Small spinet, limed oak, new.

Mehlin walnut spinet, 88 notes: 4 years old. Was Now Winter Pedal Spinet 88 notes, used. $645 $295 Grieg Spinet. 64 notes Beaut, new. $345 Jesse French, 88 not modern spinet Starck grand.

Louis XV with elect, player attach. $595 Big selection new Jesse French. Spinets some with Organos, Winter Musette and Shonlnger Spinet $150 TO $500 OFF LIST PRICES SPECIALS 12 Bass Accordions, up 120 Bass Accordions, up Damaged Spanish gutters. up Hammond Solovox. demo.

69 Brand new amplifiers up Brand new Blonde, arch-top, built-in elec. SDanish. vuitfir and case. Tegular $99 Now $69 SMALL 1XJWN rAimtiVi 36 MONTHS TO PAY THE MUSIC CENTER 6647 S. HALSTED Open eves, to 9:30: Sat, to 1, SPECIAL SALE ON BRAND NEW KIMBALL KIMBALLETTES FULL KEYBOARD 88 NOTE ONLY $595 ALSO AVAILABLE ON RENTAL PURCHASE- It has been many years since we have offered a NEW CONSOLE PIANO under the name at uch low price.

It tonal qualities are excellent. TRADE-INS accepted. Easy TERMS. W. W.

KIMBALL CO. FACTORY SALESROOM 2611 S. Califomia-av. Open daily 9:15 a. m.

to 6 p. m. Thursday nltes till 9 p. m. DOWNTOWN STORE 31 E.

JACKSON Open dally 9:15 a. m. 5:43 p. m. MondByNltes tm? P- m.

BIG PIANO SALE EVERY PIANO MUST GO NOTHING RESERVED OUR BIGGEST SALE IN YEARS Price drastlcallv reduced on every new and used piano In stock. Select from such famous makei as Baldwin. Knabe. SUneway. Wurlltzer and others.



Western 5416 W. North Eves. Sun 12 to 5 Except Loop YOU MU6T "see this Spinet to appreel-" ate It Full 88 notes with 3 working pedals' and 1005 double wool hammers Was $685. now only 425. Supply limited.

Liberal terms. GULBRANSEN FACTORY 205 0 N. Ruby-st. Melrose Park USED STEINWAY GRANDS New-used spinets, grands, studio uprights. Practice upright pianos.

$75 and up. Open dally till 9 p. Sunday 11 a. m. to 6 m.

.111 WARASH-AV We ire bursting with banralna in Grands. Uprights, and Spinet. Come In Now and Sava SIMONSON'S Sll S. Wabash-av BALDWIN ACROSONIC SPINET 88 NOTES LIKE NEW $405 FULL PRICE A lovely piano for a fine home. Mr.

Paris, WEntworth 6-4200, until 7 p. m. orstopat6 65 YS, Hals ted. 25 YEARS at same location Is your ASSURANCE of ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION In new-used spinets, grands, placers, and upriehta. TERMS.

Open evenings and Sunday. 6242 W. Grand USED SPLN'ET $325, apt. upr. $90.

New 88 note spinet. $475 Kimball consolette Spinet. S. 10-4, 9-9. Fields.

4ZO w. 7 rtiicns wu? T75FT FROM $39.00 MIDWEST PIANO. 171 W. LAKE BALDWIN ACROSONIC Spinet Reas rneerS Sons 3409 N. Ashland SPINET PIANO Sltchty used.

$295 1044O 5. vestern-av USED AND FLOOR MODEL SPINETS MOIST JPiano 5509Broadway MOVING all grands, spinets at special sale prlces. 184S w. jaairrai. CTFTVW -MOIIFI.

M. EBONY A-l CONDTCN 3626 N. PULASKI WTD. MUSICAL ll8TROIwtNT- PVT. PARTY needs spinet piano or small upright.

Also French, living room furniture. Oriental rugs. Normal 7-2 7 3 PIANOS WANTED ALL TYPES ALL MODELS ATLASPIANO XL AUsOn7-4100 BONUS for Stetoway. Mason A Hamlin small uprights, spinets, and grands, ABerden4-033p. evAUjtinJTjJTTS WILL PAY top price for used spinet piano In any condition.

fnone riaenaai STEINWAY Grand Spinets or other gxxlrrkes. ROgers park 4-0990. l.noo PIANOS WANTED AT ONCE BENCH EXTRA FRanklln 2-52 94 PIANOS wanted All styles, all makes. Highest prices ridCOlumbusl-930X ALlTTYPE-S pianos wtd. Call anytime.

Go anywhere. MAnsfield 6-S70S. -DOGS. PETS AND EQUIPMENT- AFFENPINSCHERS Mixed and ell popular breeds. Variety mixed toy Breeds.

5 UP' PLUTO'S DOG HOUSE On Irving Park. 4 biks. W. of Mann- heim-rd. COLLIE fcr sale Ped.

reas. AKC reg. 2 7-6008; WELMARANER. em sred. 14 mont5Jold.GIdstone!a33.

WiRTFOX TERRIER Champ at stud PU-oies. $50 UP. WEntworth 6-S434 WANTED Geroan aaeprrd Tli JoTHER PETS UNO EQUIPMEIlT- CRTNCHILLAS breeding stock for sale Guaranteed bred best grade to start ranch. Cage, feeding equipment with each pair free, before April 1. Prices very reasonable, all chlnchlllaa reg.

stock. Write A Ranch, Box 66. Pleasant Prairie, Wis. Po Kenosha, OLymple 4-680T. WS ATS AOt S01C out ol business.

3 MINUTE DELIVERY F4 54 53 53 52 51 51 51 51 51 50 50 50 49 49 49 49 49 49 PLYMOUTH 4 DR. $995 FORD 4 DR $985 PLYM. 4 DR $785 CHEV. 2 DR FCRD CONVERT. OLDS 4 DR.

$495 BUICK 2 DR $495 STUDE. 4 DR $395 PLYMOUTH 4 DR $395 CHEVROLET 4 DR $385 CHEVROLET 4 DR $195 BUICK 4 DR $295 PLYM. 4 DR $195 OLDS 4 DR CHHVP.OLET 3 DR $175 DODGE CONVERTIBLE OLDS CONVERTIBLE BUICK 4 DR $165 FORD 2 DR $95 47 CHEVROLET 4 DR $75 WE WHOLESALE Chevrolet on Michigan-Avenue City Auto CORNER 23rd-Michigan SEE OUR BIG BARGAIN LOT CORNER 2 2ND AND INDIANA Victory 2-4800 EVERY DAY TO 9 P. M. All day Saturday.

Sunday to 6 p. m. NO MONEY DN. WITH ESTABLISHED CREDIT IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 51 FORD 4 eqpd $445 50 BUICK 2 eqpd $445 50 STUDE. 2 dr.

eqpd. $295 49 FORD 2 dr. eqpd $295 49 MERC. 4 eqpd $395 49 BUICK 4 dr. super.

49 DODGE 2 dr $325 49 OLDS 4 dr. 98 $375 49 DE SOTO conv $375 49 PLYM. coupe $24 5 48 DODGE 4 dr $195 47 MERCURY 4 dr $195 60 OTHER FINE USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM AT 1900 N. WESTERN SPOT FINANCING LAWDER BROS. 6900 S.

VTNCENNES CHICAGO OLDEST tURU jJE-AU-K Chrysler '52 $895 CONVERTIBLE, POWER STEER. And that ain't all. This exceptional car also boasts of a radio, heater, automatic transmission, full leather Interior, and like new top. LYNCH BUICK 5330 IRVING PARK-RD. HEATED INSIDE SHOWROOMS Op.

eves. -Sun. Low G.M.A.C. financing CHRYS. '53 WINDSOR.

Very low mileage car. Like new. Must lee to appreciate. BRIGHT MOTORS 870 N. Clark DE SOTO 1950 $645 This beau, de luxe club cpe.

equipped with heater, seat covers, front and rear guards, auto, transmission, etc. BENDER-RIEGER, INC. AUTH. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER 933 W. WASHINGTON DE SOTO '48 9 PASS $495 Station wagon.

Fully equipped. MARTIN J. KELLY, INC. 3629 N. WESTERN Open eves, till 9 De Soto '53 Almost new with radio, heater, auto, w.

w. tires, grill guards. SANDRA 1335 W. Jack son NEW CAR DEALER Open Sun. DE SOTO '53.

4 full pow. $1,650 Double Eagle nylon; w. w. ti. TOM HARRIGAN.

OAK PARK. 414-454 MADISON OPEN SE SOTO '50 4 dr. autoT eng. unisn. son or your car down.

Open Eves. 3939 Washington BODGE '53 $1,295 This coronet lour aoor seaan is equipped with radio, heater, wheel covers, turn signals, auto, etc. BENDER-RIEGER. AUTH. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER 9 33 W.

WASHINGTON DODGE '53 Coronet 4 dr. Radio, htr. Car can be told from new. FULL PRICE $1,095 AUTH. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DLR.

6140 NORTIIWEST-HWY. FORD '54 $1,445 This ear Is the "apple of our eye." Here's a really "like new" 2 tone 2 door, equipped with radio, heater. The finish on this car has a showroom luster you'll really like. LOW G. M.

A. C. FINANCING YARNALL CHEVROLET 4859 N. Broadway UPtown 8-3805 HEATED SHOWROOMS OPEN SUN. FORD 1954 V-8 club eoupe.

brilliant. Late delivered. Very very low mileage automobile. Will be sold for $90 down if you are steadily employed. Has brilliant hyland green finish and the body does not have a single defect.

Just Jam packed extra accessories and an Interior that is brilliantly styled and perfect for driving convenience. Has been completely Inspected and has our full seal of approval. Delivery In one-half hour with no red tape at all. Until 9:30 visit us at 801 S. Western or for fast credit check call M.

J. Stewart at SEeley 3-0606. FORD Victoria. A brilliant Ford-O-Matlc that has all custom Ford accessories, V-8 motor and torrllie condition throughout. MONEY DOWN If jour credit is satisfactory and $35 monthly paymenU.

HUmboldt 6-9898 FORD '53 STA. WGN. T'V. 1 1 1 1 on rrppn nnnrhwfnll Is extra rice. Radio, heater, and over drive, rricea to sen FERRELL-HICKS CHEV.

5727 S. ASHLAND' Open Sun. REpubllc 7-6200 FORD '53 V-8 4 dr. sedan: equipped: very, clean. FENCL CHEVROLET 631 MADISON EStebrock 8-8318 OAK PARK Open eves.

Sun. FORD "51 Victoria hardtop: will be sold for $29 monthly, no money down if steadily employed. One owner, gar. kept. Like brand new.

7630 S. Western WAlbrook 5-3378 FORD '53 VICTORIA HARDTOP Fo'omatic. w. 2 tone. ims.

FULL PRICE $1,495 AITHflRIzm NEW FORD DEALER 4152 ELSTON COrnella 7-2800 FORD '52 8 CYL. VICTORIA Overdrive: fullv eouipped black beauty with white top. Sharp car. Carries warranty $1,195 NELSEN-HIRSCHBERG FORD 5115 Irving Park Open eve. and Sun FORD '54 2 dr $1,195 owner.

Haraiy usea. ruuy cqpu LITSINGER 1260 W. Washinrton CAnal 6-9019 ppen Sunday FORD '53 cyl. 8 pass, country sedan. An excellent car.

Carries CATA warranty $1,495 NELSEN-HIRSCHBERG FORD 5115 Irving Pk. Open eves, and Sun FORD '49 $149 Nash '50 radio and bed. Cadillac '48 conv $595 B. C. MOTOR SALES 4118 MILWAUKEE-AV.

FORD '51 TUDOR SEDAN n. verv clean, good terms FULL PRICE 4152 ELSTON cgmeJla7-28O0 FORD '49 V-8 TUDOR SEDAN Radio, rood ensine: terms FULL PRICE ...5245 4152 ELSTON COrnella 7-2800 FORD '51 2 dor: radio, heater and white wall tires. A beautiful car and It can be yours for only $95 down: terms. Don miss tnis one! 7819 S. ASHLAND FORD '55 used 4 dr.

country station waeon. Fully eopd. Your car or $345 dn. Balance 30 months. See today at 2247 r.

mmu FORD Late "52 cus. 2 dr. Fordomatlc, original owner: looks and runs like new. Your car or $95 down. 6 2 0 0 S.

Ashland FORD 1949 Station Wagon 8 passen-ger: exceptional condition: radio. heat: terms. 73QQ stony lsiano-av. FORD '51 2 door; radio, heater; ex cellent condition. Don miss uus.

Terms. 7300 Stony Island. FORD '51 2 dr. blk. and white: w.

S495. BRnnswicK S-S173. FORD '52 4 door. $845 BURKE MOTORS Cor. 59th-Western FORD '47 full race Mercury engine.

Real sharp! $395 8201 N. Cicero Hudson '52 WasD: automatic trans equipped. A nice car at a cheap price $595 NELSEN-HIRSCHBERG FORD 5115 Irving Pk. Open eves, and Son EUDSON '4 9 Club coupe, A-l cond. iiak Wlmrtnt sfr pi.

ENCOLN '52 hardtop Cosmopolitan Power w. w. tires oif. Owner, EDgewater 4-9571 '55 Euickused Riv. Save.

$1,000 from list. Used Roadniaster Riviera, drlvra only 10 days. A two tone beauty that Is really a dream on wheels. Full power equipment, plui custom leather and nyioa Ulterior. '54 Chrysler 4 dr 51.795 54 Buick Coupe $1,895 '54 Plym.

Eelv. Spt Cp. $1,895 Radio, heater, automaiis ixansmisslon and real wire wheels. 54 Chrys. Convert '54 De Scto V-8 A dr $1,795 54 Ford V-8 Club $1,495 '54 Chrys.

ImpL 4 dr $2,895 Driven 4 month. Past for tew. 54 Chrysler N. Y. 4 $2,295 54 Olds "98" Holid.

Cpe. $2,895 Driven 80 days. Pass for- new 54 Buick Riv. Cpe $2,295 '54 Plym. Convert $1,995 Driven only 10 weeks.

Radio, heater. power steering. Continental kit. and brand new tutxlesa Urea. 54 Hudson Convert '54 Plymouth Club $995 Savoy; radio, heater, etc.

54 Cad. "62" 4-dr. Save. $1,500 from list. Full tower and electronic equipment.

A pampered car traded In by an eccentric millionaire. '54 Merc. Monterey Hdtp. $1,995 '53 Chrys. Impl.

Powerflyte fno clutch 1, radio, heater, perfect. '53 Chrysler Imp. Power steering, power brakes. eiectrlc A gorgeous suburban car. '53 Dodge V-8 4 dr $995 53 Dodge Sta.

Wagon. Real wire wheels, power steering, power brakes. Owned by president of the Chrysler Corporation. 53 Plym. Sta.

Wagon. All metal. Excellent condition. 53 Olds "98" $1,695 53 Line. Capri 4 dr $1,995 '53 Kaiser Manhattan $1,035 Hydramatlc.

radio, heater. Perfect. 52 Lincoln Capri $1,495 '52 Packard 300 4 dr $1,195 52 Ford 4-dr 52 Cad. "60-S" 4 $2,095 Sharp; loaded with extras. 52 De Soto V-8 4-dr $895 52 Pontiac Club Cpe $695 '52 Chrys.

Impl. Newpt. 52 Dodge CI. Cpe $695 52 Olds "93" Holiday '51 Plym. Sta.

V7agon. All metal; perfect condition. '51 Ford Victoria $795 Fordomatlc, radio, heater: perfect. 51 Chrys. "Wind.

4-dr $595 51 Chrys. N. Y. Newpt $595 51 Olds "98" 4-dr $695 '50 Plym. Suburban $695 ail metal station wacon.

50 Lincoln 4-dr $595 Radio, heater, hydramatlc. etc. 50 Buick Super 4-dr $395 '50 Chrys. Convert $495 '50 Dodge Convert $395 351 OTHER CARS WALTON WORLD'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALER 2301S.Michig'n Buick '54 $2,275 SUPER RIVIERA 4 DR. equipped with dynaflow, radio, heater, de luxe trim package, and w.


Low G.M.A.C. financing BUI CK 1953 Hardtop Riviera. White walls, dynaflow. chrome Interior trim. Will be sold for $90 Down If you are steadily employed and payments of $48 monthly.

A super bar-tain In an extra clean one owner, suburban automobile. The spotless tu-tone country blue and Africa Ivory finish shows that this automobile has always been garage kept. The motor, transmission, rear end and front suspension have our seal of approval, fcellvery In one-half hour with no red iHnH Until 9:30 D. m. visit us at 801 S.

Western or for fast credit cnecx can an. bw at SEeley 3-0606. BUICK 1953 2 DOOR Here la a beautiful dark freen In ex ceptionally fine condition. The tires are like new because It has been d'tven so few miles. The Interior Is as clean a the day It was de.tvered brand new and It Is In perfect mechanical condition.

A terrific value. $1,195. Fully warranted anj easy tmi you win. CLARK-MAPLE CHEVROLET 1038 N. CLARK MOhawk 4-1470 Open Eves -Sun BUICK 53, fsuper convertible coupe: dynaflow; w.

w. tires, fully enprl hardlv used. SO. CHICAGO BUICK 7955 SOUTH CHICAGO-AV. XUiCK '5- A very Immaculate.

low murage iuuui v. Super 4 dr. beyond com-paiison. NO MONEY DOWN If your credit is satisfactory and $35 monthly payments. 655 N.

Western HUmboldt 6-9898 BUICK '51 Riviera hardtop: wilt be sold for $29 monthly, no money down If steadily employed. One owner, gar. kept. Like brand new. 7630 S.

Western WAlbrook 5-3378 1VUICK '52 2 door Sedan, radio, heater, dvnaflow LAKE PARK MOTORS 7701 STONY ISLAND BAvrqrtl-ei8i gUICK '53 Super Riviera fully eqpd. Absolutely perfect. Also 1952 Super Sedan. Excellent. $198 will handle.

See today at: fuJlCK '47 2-dr. sedanette. fully quipped, ready for action. Priced to r-E-L-'z185- 1133 DIVERSE BUICKBO 4-DR. RIV.

$545 A one owner really sharp auto. 20 down, balance 18 mos. McK SOWN 7 7 2 7J5.ASHLAND LATE '49 SUPER SEDNT. DYNA. Original owner.

H. Full price $346. fcsy terms arranged. 6200 S. Ashland lUICK '54" Super Riviera: Dynaflow.

cust. Interior, power brakes, power steering. E-Z eye glass, white walls: lUenewJBOulevard 8-2749, BUICK'53 Riv. full rad w. w.

tires, LINCOLN CENTER 23O0JIV. 63d iUK-K '54 SUPER RIVIERA COUPE DYNAFLOW. FULL PRICE $2,395. EVerglade 4-8030 BUICK '50 1 4 dr. sedan; dyna.

$595 Terms 844 3 S. ASHLAND CADILLAC '53 62" SEDAN Power steering, tu-tone blue, power seat, radio, heater, hydramatlc. Fire-atone tires: bahy blue finish. There's Bone sharper In town! PRICED TO SELL AT $3,795 LAKE PARK LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER sano Lake Park HYdePark 3-344 3 Cadillac '52 The popular el" 4 or. eqpa.

with radio, heater, hydramatlc transmission. Like new Inside and cut. LOGAN SQUARE BUICK 2470 Milwaukee Open Sun Cadillac '53 4 dr. 62 Fun poer hvdra. Supreme w.

w. tUes. Rear speaker. Yours for only $2,795. TOM HARRIGAN, OAK PARK 414415 MADISON.SCNEVKS.

Tinn i coupe: radio, heater. Ilvdramatic. white wall tires, power iteerlng and E-Z eye glass. Very low miles. ot3 ouwu, uai intra.

iota J. CADILLAC '52. Coupe de Vllle Low milease: perfect fully equipped: nest offer. 10610 S. Vemon tAD 'S3 4 dr.

Fleetwood 2 tne green: clen: fully pvt. own. aayu rn'i'mt jaq. JaD '53 El Dorado. A show piece.

Co'or. red: POi, oif list. Trade. 5601 W. Dlversejr NAttnnal 2-8400 tAD.

'53 "62" 4 DR power steer- Ins, seat: excepr. clean: iraae. 5601W. Dlversey NAtional 2-800 CaD '50 Fleetwood. 1 owner, good cond.

Good price. Dlversey 8-1711 CADILLACS All years and mode's MADISON 6301 N. Western CHEVROLET 04 lie! Air: w. w. tires; very low mileare.

$1,295 POWER 6555 S. AHT.AND CFEV .17 3 h. Full price $125. ouuf w. norm-sv.

CHEVROLET '53. 210 3 dx. Asking ai.uuo. luraca -igo, STUDEBAKER SPECIALS '52 CHRYSLER 4 DR $895 The Saratoga "8" Fluldmatic. Fluid-torque, radio, heater, dir.

signals, outside r. v. rnlrror3, white walls, discs. Power Power Brake. '52 LANDCRUISER $985 Auto, radio, beater, discs.

'52 CHAMP. D. L. 2 Radio, neater, overdrive, aeat covers. '51 COMM.

2 DR $495 Auto, radio, beater, r. T. mirror, Erie guards. '53 COMM. 4 DR Radio, heater, O.

D. Sharp. STUDEBAKER BALES CO. OF CHICAGO 4700 W. WASHINGTON OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY OLDS 1951 "8 8" Holiday; will be sold for $29 monthly, no money down If steadily employed.

One owner garage kept. Like brand new, 7630 S. Western WAlbrook 5-3378 OLDS '54 "88" Super Holiday; heater, fully equipped Including power steering and brakes, hydramatlc. This beaut, car can be yours lor $695 down, i 7819 S. ASHLAND PLYMOUTHS 49-'54 50 TO CHOOSE FROM MARTIN J.

KELLY, INC. AUTH. DLR. 441 E. OHIO Open eves, till 9 MOhawk 4-1200 PLYM.

'53 C945 Cranbrook 2 radio, heater, directional signals, 2 tone. A beauty. NORGAN PONTIAC 5227 W. IRVING PARK-RD. SPrlng 7-5305 Open Eves, and Ptrn.

PLYMOUTH '53 $995 This beautiful 4 dr. sedan equipped with heater, turn signals, wheel covers, etc. See it today. BENDER-RIEGER. INC.

AUTH DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER 833 w. w5HUiloa Plym. '53 One owner iky blue 4 dr. with radio and heater. A real bargain.

SANDRA- 1335 W. Jackson NEW CAR DEALER Open PLYM. Late 1953 club coupe. $795. H.

Orig. owner. $95 or your old car down. Also have 4 orig. 4 Cranbrook sedans.

Low mileage. 6200 S. Ashland PLYMOUTH '52 spt. cpe. $950.

R-, h. Reconditioned. Bargain. TOM HARRIGAN. OAK PARK 414-41 5 MADISON OPEN SUN.

EVE. PLYMOUTH 5 1 STATION WAGON ALL METAL BODY. SHARP1 Brlggs. 3515 Grand EVerglade 4-8030 PONTIAC Last Chance BARGAINS ON 1954 PONTIACS Don't wait another day to aee these beautiful cars at terrific savings. LOEBER PONTIAC 1111 N.CLARK WHltehall 4-0500 Open, eves, til PONTIAC 1951 Catallna de luxe by-dramatic.

Has an almost new set of white wall tires and a spare that Is aa good as any on the ground. Will be aold for $5 down if you are steadily employed. The finish Is a radiant iridescent bronze with matched fender skirts of fawn yellow, a very unique combination. The motor operates like brand new, steers like It has power assist and the Interior Is showroom fresh and new. Delivery In one-half hour with no red tape at all.

Until 9:30 p. m. Join our friends at 801 S. Western or for fast credit check call M. J.

Stewart at SEeley 3-O606. PONTIAC '54 $1,795 A like new 2 tone blua beauty with radio, heater, directional signals and w. w. tires. 100 unconditional guarantee.

DIVISION CHEV. 1132 N. DAMEN Open Eves, and Sun. PONTIAC '51. This beautiful Chieftain 8 de luxe 4 dr.

sedan; equipped with radio, heater, hydramatlc etc See It today for only $845. BENDER-RIEGER, INC. AUTH. DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER 933 W. WASHlJitii-VJI PONTIAC '53 $1,095 3 fully eqpd.

A fine car. NORGAN PONTIAC 5227 W. IRVING PARK-RD. SPring 7-5305 Open eves, and Sun. PONTIAC "51 Catallna; will be sold for $29 monthly, no money down If steadily employed.

One owner garage kept. Like brand new. 7630 S. Western WAlbrook 5-3378 PONTIAC '53 Catallna: radio, heater. Hydramatlc, power brakes, and white wall tires.

This clean beauty can be yours today for only $495 down. PONT. 52 Sta. rtaaio. ncaicr.

ierm. Chev. Dir. 2510 Milwaukee PONT. '51 de lx.

4 dr. h. Orig. thruout. 1 owner.

$95 or your car down.Open eves. 393 9 Washington fOST. '54 Stat. wgn. Low mil.

Barg. tms. 2337 Irving Park. IRvlng 8-9090 PONTIAC 1941 4 -door; sacrifice $50. LAwnflale 37 STUDEBAKER '51 CHAMPION 2 DR overdrive, beater and aeat covers, clean car.


V8, 4 dr. R. and O. D. Clean.

Only $475. TOM HARRIGAN, INC. OAK PARK 414-454 MADISON OPEN WILLYS 52 2 Door: R. and Down 53 2 Door; heater Down 53 2 Door Falcon $95 Down 47 Station Wagon Down 50 Station Wagon $125 Down "53 Station Wagon Down LIGHT MOTOFS Authorized Willys Dealer 4418-54 V. MADISON WILLYS '52 standard sta.

$595 Terms. 564 2 Bdwy. SUnnyside 4-3000 WILLYS '50 6 sta. waROn; o. v.

1. Clean.J 3 9 5. 5007 W. North WILLYS "47 station wagon. Bargain.

George Hill Motors IRvine 8-9090 FOREIGN-SPORT-ANTIQUE CARS 54 XK-120 JAGUAR conv. De luxe miiin.r will trade. TErrare 4-4725 AUTOMOBILES WANTED HIGHEST BUYER IN TOWN We reallv need clean cars any year, any make, any body style. Can Mr. Rand at IRvlng 8-8 660 or come to 3838 N.

WESTERN WE BUY OR SELL YOUR CAR FOR A $25 FEE COOi) PRICE AND FAST SERVICE UCKingnam i-oevi TOP CASH FOR TOP CARS 7134 Stony Isl. MUseum 4-6252 WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES lor junked, wrecked autos or trucks. WARSHAWSKY CO. 1900 S. State-st.

CAlumet 5-6800 HIGHEST CASH 1950-55 Will pay off your balance: alo for-elgn cars. 5743 Brcadway. Panar's. WILL pay top price for used cars 1948 to 1954. Have all cash.

Please call us anytime. CApitul 7-964 0 CONVERTIBLES and hardtops needed Will pay your price if clean. Call WAtionat CADILLACS WANTED Will pay top prices Immediately. 1948 to 1BS4. Please call EVerglade 4-S030 JUNK cars and trucks war.

ted Ed's Tow-A-Way. Dickens 2-1 263 WE BUY your car or sell-ft for $10. 360 1 N. KEDZIE COrnella 7-115 0 MOST cash for your '38 "to '53 carr Call AMbassador 2-5417 WANTED '46 TO "53 CARS 1025 N. CLARK WHitehEil 4-1000 MORE for your car or truck DEAD OR alive.

Bvergiaae 4-5530 NEED CLEAN SUBURBAN USED CARS J. B. LAWSON, Harlem and Randolph CASH for '55 Ford. Mercury or Cher. Paid or not.

Write 1D7 24. Tribune SERVE YOURSELF NO OVERHEAD CHARGES NO COMMISSIONS A CAR AT ANY PRICE 48 DODGE 4 door 47 CHEVROLET 4 door 48 PLYMOUTH 2 door 49 FORD 2 door $295 49 DODGE 4 door $345 50 STUDEBAKER 4 door '50 DODGE 4 door $445 50 BUICK 4 door '51 PLYMOUTH club coupe 51 DODGE 4 doer 695 51 PONTIAC Sedanette $745 51 CHEVROLET convertible 5 DODGE club coupe $895 '53 PLYMOUTH 4 door $995 Many others" to choose from EVANSTON CARS ARE BETTER CARS DAMPMAN-SCHMITT CO. CARFETERIA 1100 Chicago-av. Dodge-Plym. Dir.

AMbassador 2-2885 GReenleaf 5-2800 Open evenings and Sundays. 12-6 LINCOLNS 54 CAPRI .53,195 Power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seat, continental kit. '54 CAPRI COUPE 53,295 Power steering, power erases. iri windows, power seat, beautiful ermine white. 52 CAPRI 51-595 4 dr.

Very low mileage and extremely sharp. '53 CAPRI COUPE 52,395 Something special for the fine car fancier. Luxurious black finish and power steering, power brakes, power windows, power seat. 51 COSMO 5895 4 door. Choice of 2 sharp can.

LAKE PARK LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 5600 Lake Park HYde Park 3-3445 Iincoln '54 Capri EXECUTIVE CAR heater, white wall tires, power brakes and steering, elec. windows. 4 way seat, beautiful leather and nylon Interior. Priced to sell.

BEVERLY LINCOLN-MERCURY 1705 W. 95TH-ST. Open eves. Hilltop 5-0400 51 LINCOLN 4 DOOR SEDAN $785 Kaaio. neater, wyaramauc LA KE PARK MOTORS 7701 STONY ISLAND BAyport 1-8181 LINCOLN '53 Capri 4 2 tone blue; ail power extras; prem.

w. w. low top orig. owner: Monday thru sat. only.

10 a. p. LAKeview o-uumo. uucn. MERCURY 1954 OFFICIAL CARS CONV.


DEALER USED CAR DEPT. PHONE ROckwell 2-6881 3301 W. Ogden CORNER OP SPAULDING MERCURY '53 Monterey. 2 tone luxurious seaan witn eriort-lesa Merc-c-matlc. Fully equipped.

NO MONEY DOWN If your credit Is satisfactory and $45 monthly payments. 655 N. Western HUmboldt 6-9898 MERCURY '53 4 DOOR $1,295 Sedan, radio, neater, overarive. white wall tires LAKE PARK MOTORS 7701 STONY ISLAND BAyport 1-8181 MERC. "51 club coupe: will be sold for $29 monthly, no money down If steadily employed.

One owner, garage kept. 7630 S. Western WAlbrook 5-3378 MERCURY '50 CLUB COUPE Fully equipped. Special $495 NELSEN-HIRSCHBERG FORD 5115 Irving Pk. Open eves, and Sun.

MERCURY 1955 Monteaey hardtop: used. 2 2 tone Diue; w. pow. leather turn pvt. SPrlng 7-1864.

after 5 MERCURY '55 Sun Valley used Mont- ciair coupe, fu eauipa. Discount. Lincolnwood Motors, 2750 N. Cicero Nash '52 $645 RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE This sporty yet economical car Is de luxe eqpd. witn radio, heater, and like new top.

LYNCH BUICK 5330 IRVING PARK-RD. HEATED INSIDE SHOWROOMS Op Low G.M.A.C. financing NASH 1952 4 door; radio, beater, o'drlve. many extras. $895, terms.

7300 Stony Island NASH 'SO a door BALZEKAS 4030 Arcner-av. nash 'Si 4 4aa: pay 23 per month. Bishop 2-1347 OLDSMOBILE 1953 Classic "98 model. Holiday 4 door. Has power steering, power brakes, autronlc eye.

Will be sold for $90 down If yon are steadily employed. Clean as tne flay it left the showroom. Chrome Is without a single blemish and the sea green fin ish glistens, every Inch of It. The tires are blowout proof white walls and are set off by full chrome wheel discs. Has very beautiful Interior highlighted bv nylon seat covers, leather covered dash board, station seeking radio.

Delivery In one-half hour with no red tape at ail. until p. m. visit us at 801 S. Western or for fast credit check, call M.

J. Stewart at SEeiey, 3-0606. ni clnh courte: hvdra auto clock on a. compass, win. sh.

rear seat extra clean. $300 down and take up pay- menu. Priv. 4943 N. Francisco.

UPtown 8-3494 OLDSMOBILE '53 hardtop Holiday. Complete accessories. 1 owner. or best offer. Call owner.

River side 7-6641 alter 5 p. m. OLDSMOBILE '53. 98 Holiday: power brakes, steering. oirectionais: owner; clean; good shape; low mlL Call PLaza 2-9802.

Mr. Wilson OLDS '51 "98" very good motor and transmission recently overhauled, new brakes and new battery; $925. EUclld 6-4837. OLDS '52 "98" convert $1,595 Radio, heater. w.

w. tires. BEL PARK OLDS 3350 N. Cicero OLDS "52 "98" hydra, tube-less tires, full pwr. $300 take over pymts.

Pvt. COlumbcs 1-5542. OLDS. '50 Club Coupe. Radio heater $295 ALLIED AUTO 343 5 Arcner OLDS "51 "88" Sup.

de 4 d. H'drT R. h. ExcepU. clean.

Perl. cond. Very low ml. Pvt. Fillmore 4-6796.

OLDSMOBILE '50. "98" 2 dr. w. w. $550.

Pvt. 44 Wrliht-wodU. EAstgate 7-9070..

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2025)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.